1985-1986 Yearbook

May Fete Finalists. The finalists for Harding's 1986 May Fete were senior, Paula Osborn; senior, Karen McLarty; and senior, Kristy Goff. -photo by John Radcliffe. May Fete Queen 1986. Reigning over the 1986 May Fete activities was Karen McLarty, a senior communication disorders major from Memphis, Tennessee. - photo by John Radcliffe. Employing her skills. Senior Karen McLarty gains experience in her major, communication disorders, by helping a child with/ speech~- - photo by John Radcliffe . ----- nnual celebrations of 7 ·-.pringtime date as far back as --8 ~~....,- the third century B.C. May r-----Fete is Harding's own spring festival, a time when the students express gratitude and praise to God for the splendor of His creations and the rebirth of nature. Following our slushy winters, a combination of cold northern weather and wet southern weather, springtime is always a welcome season at Harding. Every year each of the women's social clubs selects one of their members to participate in the activities of May Fete such as the traditional winding of the maypole. The student body then elects from these the May Fete Queen and her attendants. The Queen reigning at the 1986 festivities was Karen McLarty, a senior communications disorders major from Memphis, Tennessee. Attending Karen were Kristy Goff, a senior dietetics major from Humboldt, Tennessee, and Paula Osborn, a senior marketing major from Memphis, Tennessee. After graduating from Harding, Karen plans to attend graduate school and continue her studies in speech pathology. To Karen, the most exciting aspect of Harding "is in knowing the friends I have spent the last four years getting to know will be the friends I spend eternity with." She states "as my last year at Harding passes me by and each day becomes busier than the last, I can often find a simple and reassuring peace in a saying a friend once shared with me: 'If God is the beginning of all you do, you don't need to ask how it will end.' " Jnt ~- ).. f--------- 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---------- _,. May Fete Queen 187 I ' -