1985-1986 Yearbook

[EJ ach year several students shine by attaining achievements far beyond their original goals . In striving for excellence, these students surpass the expectations of themselves and their classmates. This section is dedicated to those students and the accomplishments they have made. Standing out in Harding's student body, these students inspire others to reach and exceed their own goals. By overcoming their fears of failure and conquering the pressures of life, they have proven that any ambition is attainable through hard work, perserverence, and trust in God to provide the strength to overcome any situation. In this section will be found the queens who reign at the annual Petit Jean, Homecoming, Winter Festival and May Fete celebrations. Also to be found are the members of Alpha Chi, students who have persevered to maintain a high academic standing while at Harding. Another group of students to be found here are those 45 who proudly represented Harding in Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. The members of the various specialized honor societies on campus will also be found within. Finally will be found the honored receipient of the Regina Spirit Award. To those of you honored in these pages, your achievements and leadership are well respected and commended by the Harding faculty and ~tudent body. May your lives be as prosperous as the time you have spent here at Harding, and you will be an inspiration to all whose lives you touch. a - Ron Pacheco Down at the Bison Grill. The candidates for 1986 Homecoming Queen , Sandy Gamer of Greeneville, Illinois , Sheryl Latimore of Memphis , Tennessee , and Kellee Citty of Searcy, Arkansas, were presented to the student body in a theatrical chapel presentation . - photo by John Radcliffe . Places in the Art. Robert Swain , a senior art/Bible major from Conway, Arkansas, bears the candle which signifies his induction into Kappa Pi , a national honor society for art students . - photo by Ron Pacheco . Shining 169