1985-1986 Yearbook

Business maintains interest outh involvement in business expanded this year at Harding, as the Society for Advancement of Management (SAM), the Marketing Club, and the Data Processing and Management Association (DPMA) - three campus business organizations - planned projects, field trips and guest speakers. Although only begun in 1981, Harding's chapter of SAM has been a growing and active organization, and this year was no exception. This year the chapter involved approximately 50 members, but, said senior Todd Willis, president of Harding's SAM, 'W e're in the middle of a membership drive, so hopefully our numbers will go up. " The act ivities for the year began last summer, when Harding's chapter placed second in the National Case Study Competitions held in Montgomery, Alabama. The Harding group also received the Superior Chapter Performance Award. In February, Harding hosted SAM's regional conference, featuring Tom Peters, author of In Search of Excellence. Then in May, some members of SAM travelled to Minneapolis, Minnesota, for a weekend conference which included guest speakers, an awards banquet , and a chance to meet and mingle with professional businessmen. SAM's goals were, according to Willis, to set up more campus as well as senior SAM chapters in the state. Dr. Bob Reely, sponsor of Harding's chapter, added, concerning goals, ' 'I'd like for us to be number one in Case Study Competitions - that's certainly a reasonable goal for us to attain." According to Reely, membership in SAM was extremely worthwhile for the students involved. 'The most significant benefit is that it's an opportunity for leadership - an opportunity to practice management," he said. Harding's Marketing Club, sponsored by Dr. Charles Walker, made a major decision this fall when it affiliated with the American Marketing Association; the club was active throughout the year. In September the club sponsored a Sales Seminar, conducted by sales and marketing expert Dick Semaan and including various presentations by area marketing people. In the spring, the Marketing Club hosted several programs which brough t in marketers from Little Rock and the immediate area to discuss their speciali ties. In April a group from the club attended the Internat ional Collegiate Conference in Chicago. In the fall , DPMA participated in Computer Expo '85 in Little Rock - an exposition in which vendors displayed the latest iri computer technology. Also in the fall several members of the club went to Dallas for the Annual Student Convention, and there were able to visit Infomart, a huge mall of office complexes rented by companies but open to the public, "so you can walk in and watch any phase of their operations, ask questions, see their newest lines of equipment," said Exum. "It was very beneficial - I really en joyed it." SAM SAM. Front row : Reely - sponsor , Dixon , Reefy , ]ones , Hamilton , Bagley , Treat , Kays; second row: Kirk , Moon , Isbell , Coble , Seal, Anderson , Hattemer; third row: Deveny , Whittington , Swing , Pyland , Machen ; fourth row : Hunter , Baber, Gardner , Thompson , Willis , Eads ; back row: Skiness , Browning, Thornton , Smith , Green. - photo by John Radcliffe . Marketing Club Marketing Club . Front row: Warren, Bankhead, Savage, Staggs, Collier, Jenkins, Schmittou , Umberger; second row: Hamilton, Cloud, Paugh, Shankin , Cooke, Mullins, . Mayberry; back row: Skinness , Figgins, Collins, Allman, Saegert, Walker - sponsor. - photo by Janet Lawver . DPMA. Front row: Robnett , Kinningham , Frye , Dowdy; second row: Ryan -sponsor, Knight, Brown, Baker , Coleman , Horn ; back row: Rice, Johnson , Beck , Pyland , Black , Smith, Cheatham , Hammitt , Exum , Tef e tiller. photo courtesy of Bill Ryan . DPMA Ill SAM, Marketing Club , DPMA 159