1985-1986 Yearbook

Little Boy Blue. Jun ior Jay Lockhart, a CIS major from Ty ler, Texas, performs a so lo during a chapel performan ce . Those w ho attended the chapel performance were treated to a concert of Christmas carols. photo by Johnny Couch. Music appeals to everyone ' ' usic for everyone" seemed to be the music department' s motto , since instrumentalists had an array of musical groups to choose from. The chamber orchestra, the pep band and the jazz band were three groups which allowed students to play the kind of music they prefered. The orchestra , which played traditional chamber music, was not strictly a school-centered group. Its membership included 20-23 members of the Arkansas Symphony, and 7-8 players from the local community. Twice a week the members met in the music annex to practice for 90 minutes. Travis Cox, director of the orchestra, was proud of its repertoire. "I enjoy the challenge of making a good performance out of good music ," he said. "Working in an academic situation, I think the students deserve the best in music ." The orchestra gave a concert at Harding in April, which included part of Beethoven's 6th Symphony, and a violin concerto by Vivaldi , performed by Cox and by music student Maureen Tomasi . In addition to the orchestra, the pep band and the jazz band offered two other, very different types of musical experience. The pep band, designed exclusively to play during horne basketball games , was open to anyone who wanted to play and who had played an instrument before. It also provided an opportunity for student directors Mike Willey and Carol Trevathan to be in charge of a band. According to one Pep Band member, the purpose of the band was simply to have fun and to support the team. The jazz band, on the other hand, required a prepared and a sightreading audition, and was somewhat selective. The band existed for the sake of jazz. As Warren Casey, the band's director, stated, "Performance of that type of music is the purpose of the group." As a secondary function, the jazz band also acted as the stage band for the hosts and hostesses during Spring Sing, but did not tour with them as much as in previous years. The jazz band also played in chapel occasionally, and featured solos by trumpet player Pete Colligan, among others. Students responded enthusiastically to the band. As one band member remarked, "It's fun to play the kind of music that most of the students enjoy." 12ti Jazz Band Jazz Band. Front row : Craw ford , Colligan , Lockhart , Will iams, Outlaw, Voyles , Kennedy , Lucas , Daughety ; second row : Lockhart , Heimburger , Peacock , Scott , Pounders, Tubbs , Cox , Jewel. - pho to by John Radcliffe . Pep Band Pep Band. Fron t row: Trevathan , Han son , Eichenberger, Dav is , Whitelaw ; second row : Morrow , Lockhard , Voyles, Roby , Baker, Outlaw , Bendickson , Brosette, Linscott; back row: Lockhart , Tubbs, Collins , Smoak , Wyatt , Sheldon , Lindstrom , Cox , Hanson , Bradford . - photo by Jon Corpuz. Chamber Orchestra Chamber Orchestra. Front row: Anderson , Outlaw , Hickingbottom ; back row: Cox - sponsor, Perkins , Tomasi, Everett . - photo by Ron Pacheco. .Pep Band, Jazz Band, Chamber Orchestra 143