1985-1986 Yearbook

......_ ...; Men's Intramurals [t----------....., ~ I It's in the family sport for every man and every man in a sport" was the theme of the Harding men's intramural program. Directed by Cecil Beck, the program provided men of all athletic ability the opportunity ~to learn and excel in a variety of sports and activities. Activities were divided into several categories including team sports, individual and doubles. Softball, flag football, volleyball and basketball were the team sports. Singles activities included horseshoes~ cross-country running, table tennis, swimming, racquetball and tennis. Sports skill activities included specific skill tests like softball base run and throw, rope-jump, basketball free-throw and archery. Free-time activities were unorganized activities available whenever the gym was open. Letter jackets were awarded to all the participants who earned the necessary point requirements. Trophies were also awarded to the first place point winner, sports skill champion, intramural athlete of the year and the spirit winner. Any male enrolled in at least one class at Harding was eligible to be in the program.~ Pitching for a ringer, Clark Sutherland a senior from Anaheim, California , scores three points during an intramural horseshoes tournament. - photo by Jonathan Corpuz. Up to bat. Chuck Jones , a junior from Corpus Christi , Texas, takes the batting stance in a tough game. - photo by John Radcliffe . 114 Men's In tramurals