1984-1985 Yearbook

Year A combination of hard work late hours and fun was what made this year's Bison a success, said Eddie Madden, editor of the campus newspaper. "Sometimes putting out the paper would get to be a chore. But we always managed to have fun somehow, no matter how late it was or how much we had to do ," said Madden. "And that's what made it worth doing - not just the fact that we worked hard to do a good job, but that we enjoyed doing it." "Some of the fun ," said Madden , "included late night visitors with food, KHCA requests and visits from Daivd Wall, the Petit Jean editor , who brought us moral support and the latest gossip." "Happy Clock," a clock drawn on yellow paper with a vibrant green smile and hands always pointing at 10:30, helped out too, being taped up over the real clock whenever the actual time seemed depressing . Madden added, "With Mark Dillingham up there , there was always something . unusual going on. " Liz Herrel , the assistant editor , noted that although there were plenty of writers on the staff, the late night work usually was done by only two or three people. "The staff was small ," she said, "but through working on the paper late at night, we became more than co-workers. We got to be close friends." For Madden the office became almost a "second home ," he said. He moved his refrigerator to his office , left his books there rather than in his dorm room for studying and he even considered leaving a sleeping bag up there, though he admitted he usually just fell asleep on his desk or on the floor. At the annual spring convention of the Arkansas College Publications ASSOciation , the Bison captured the sweepstakes award for the highest total pOints, as well as winning first in design, first place in writing and editing, second place in advertising and many other awards in the individual competition. Madden continued several of the layout changes begun in the fall semester of 1983 by then editor Cynthia Wills, including the four column per page layout, larger photos and the bolder, magazine-style headlines and front page desing. Madden emphasized the use of more features and centerspreads in the Bison to accent different aspects of campus life . (such as school spirit, campus organizations, Spring Sing and fun in the snow) with feature stories and photographs . Color ink was introduced in the Bison for the first time in the Christmas issue , as was the use of personal seasonal ads which were also used for Valentine's Day. Another first for the Bison this year was the 16-page issue , the largest ever , which was featured for the Christmas issue and during the Homecoming and Spring Sing weekends. Regular columnists and their columns included Brian Casey and Amy Tomlinson with "Christians in the World"; Andrea Danley, Jeff Douglas and Chris Clarks with "Offbeat" record reviews; and Stephanie Whitesel with a movie review column. Tami Kerr was the photo editor for the Bison and supplied the paper with most of the feature and news photos. She was assisted by Yo Kurabayashi. The news editor position was filled by Cynthia Brazzel in the fall and by Shawn Goodpasture in the spring . Sports editor was Bobby Davidson in the fall and Wendell Hudson in the spring. Associate professor of English Dr. Dennis Organ, who served as the Bison staff's faculty advisor , met weekly with the editors to critique the previous week's edition and to suggest ideas or improvements. Lonnie Jones , the staff cartoonist, drew amusing cartoons weekly, each including his trademark mouse holding a sing in the corner. And Mark Christaldi and Robbie Hardison , in the fall and spring respectively, helped to liven up page layouts with artwork and graphics. Business managers Mark Dillingham and Christy Waterson worked to keep the Bison financially stable by selling ads and taking care of the publication's finances. Advising them was David Johnson , assistant professor of accounting. Bison Staff Many other reporters worked through the week writing stories , digging up information, writing headlines and proofreading in order to get the Bison ready to appear on Fridays. And Friday, said Madden , was the day he enjoyed being editor the most . "It 's great," he explained, "to see all those people crowd around after chapel to pick up their copies, or to get a compliment from your peers , or to hear from some student who acutally read the editorial. " "Sometimes it gets to the point that I don't really like doing it ," said Madden , "but I always like having done it , knowing that I put so much of myself into it." ,,,~ ,- - Rap Session. Assistant editor, Liz Herrel asks Dr. Dennis Organ, Bison sponsor, a question during the weekly critique session as editor, Ed· die Madden , pays close attention. - photo by James McCreary . Bison Staff. Front row: Goodpasture, Dillingham, Herrell, Madden . Second row: Starnes, Dav is, Kurabayashi , Douglas , Kerr, Blankensh ip, Eckerberg, Ho llifield , Harrison, Phelps, Whitesel, Tomlinson . Back row; Hudson , Clark. - photo by James McCreary_ Mass media 77