Petit Jean Staff 76 Mass media Publications Have a Challenging Through many late and sleepless nights the "faithful few" worked, overcoming many obstacles and forming many close friendships, to complete the 1985 Petit Jean. The staff strived throughout the book to promote the theme conceived by Editor David Wall, "The Start of Something New." Developed with the help of two past editors of the Petit Jean, Tom Baughterbaugh in 1979 and Susan Pryor in 1982, the theme capsuled many events and attributes on the Harding campus in 1985. "The theme was chosen because each year we can start anew," said Wall. "And this year was even more special, starting Harding's 51st year in Searcy." A blue-shadow leathertone with a gold Craftline embossed sunrise on the cover , designed by Butterbaugh and Pryor , expressed the optimistic mood of the theme, "The Start of Something New." The sunrise graphic appea red consistent ly throughout the book. The staff which gathered to begin the 61st volume of the Petit Jean was one of inexperience. Only two of the 13 section Please! Dr. Joseph E. Pryor , Petit Jean sponsor, tries everything to get the staff to complete. the book even getting on his hands and knees and begging. - photo by James McCreary. editors appointed on the staff possessed any editing experience , and only five pre· vious staff members returned from 1984. One returning member, Karen Roseberry, assistant editor of the 1985 book, edited Life which presented events from the campus level to world ievel as they effected the students and faculty. Organizations , edited by newcomer Kim Lynn, included academic, business and special · groups with explanations of each groups' purposes and goals. Shelly Evans, editor of Social Clubs, covered the first co-ed social club on campus as well as the new induction policy. And Jennifer Kelly worked editing Sports in the year of the Bison cry "Win more in '84. " Academics, edited by Lisa Thompson, updated the changes among the Administration, facu lty and staff. Amy Fisher and Mac Sisco split the editorship of Classes which pictured the student body along with interesting features and entertaining photographs. Honors, under the combined leadership of Denise Johnston and Sheila Underwood, gave recognition to the outstanding student achievers at Harding. Suzanne Manley and company broke new ground by developing a book within a book, covering the Academy of Harding in Searcy. The Index, prepared by Nan Taschner, listed the events and people of Harding's 1985 Petit Jean. Leigh Ell is served the staff by reading, critiquing, typing and proofreading copy on its way to the press. A small photography staff worked under the leadership of Wes Holland, head photographer for the fall semester and James McCreary, head photographer for the spring semester. Matt Wissinger also worked many hours in the photography department as their assistant photographer. During the final hours and days of work on the 1985 book, the lights in the second floor office rare ly went out. The fina l night spent completing the last pages did not mark an end however. Even as the lights went out that night , the 62nd Petit Jean began and Harding once again saw "The Start of Something New." ~ Petit Jean Staff. Front row: Evans, Clark, Pryor, Wall, Roseberry. Second row: Manley, . Kelly, Asbill, Taschner, Johnston, Thompson , McCreary. Back row: Wissinger, Fisher, Orum. - photo by James McCreary.