Role in Changing Dorm Policies sign out and returned to the dorm late , five extra late minutes were administered to the already earned late minutes . Now only two extra late minutes are given. The second change concerned the dorming of women . Because of the change, when women are dormed they are no longer confined to their room and can receive visitors where as before , they were denied both of these privileges. The SA has also proposed a change concerning the Thanksgiving holidays. The proposal submitted to the administration requested that the Thanksgiving break be extended by one day by including the Wednesday of Thanksgiving week in the vacation . The day would not necessarily have to be made up elsewhere in the semester , but the SA suggested that if teachers did insist that they need that day of class, that classes could begin on Wednesday of the first week of school and registration could somehow be rescheduled or revised. The faculty have already discussed several options in relation to this proposal. Although concern has been expressed by the faculty that the students will take advantage of it and leave earlier, Mike Stewart stated "We know that teachers believe this proposal has merit." No official decision has been reached on the proposal at this time, but the decision will be made some time in the spring . The elected officers of the association included Stewart, Brad Burt-vice president , Jason Dean-treasurer and Cary Gilbertsecretary. The chairman a nd their committees were as follows: Spiritual life-Cary Daniel , Homecoming-Paula Osborn and Stacy Sizemore, Physical Plant-Roger Beck, Food Services-Stephanie Whitesel , Special Projects-Marty Moore , MovieDarren Findley, Academic Affairs-Debbie Garrett , Advertising -Lon zo Jones , Elections-Wayne Johnson and Vance Durrington and Dorm life-Mike Gist and Angela McDonough . . One of their service projects was the Annual Toy and Dolly drive at Christmas time. The association asked each club to pick an orphanage and either donate toys or money to the organization. For those students who were not in clubs but who wanted to participate in this project, there were boxes placed outside the bookstore for them to deposit their toys . A major project of the SA was to compile student directories again this year. The association gathered the name , classification , address and phone number of each student and compiled them into a directory for the students. f.:fi!:. "Do 1 Hear 20?" As auctioneer, Jim Henderson succeeds in selling a "Red Dawn" poster during the S.A. poster auction. - photo by James McCreary. Jamm;n '! Sponsored by the Student Association , Kim Wright and her partner perform during the Air Band. - photo by James McCreary. S.A. Committee Chairman. Front row: Sizemore , Garrett , Whitesel , McDonough, Felps. Back row: Durrington , Johnson , Dill, Findley , Daniel , Gist. - photo by Wes Holland. Special interest groups 73