1984-1985 Yearbook

Campaigns Harding Students Spread Gospel In addition to the various studies, classes , clubs and activities that exist at Harding, "Chantez alleluia au Seigneui." "Sing Hallelujah to the Lord" is emphsized as Winford Wright leads French songs to the Frnech campaign group. - photo by James McCreary. 70 Special interest groups. many opportunities were given to the students, as well as the faculty, to participate in campaigns for Christ. During some weekends, spring break and summer, campaign groups were scattered throughout the United States as well as in other countries. In the United States, groups went to the Northeast, the Northwest, Minnesota, St. Louis, Florida , Iowa and ma.ny other states. Some of the foreign campaign groups went to England, Scotland, Australia, France, SWitzerland, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Italy and Germany. Some foreign campaign groups learned the native language to help overcome the communication barrier. Campaign groups met and worked together to prepare for the task of telling the world about Christ. These groups met throughout the school year once and sometimes twice a week to discuss plans, encourage one another, to learn songs, to study the Bible, to learn foreign languages (if necessary) and to pray for their efforts. Several times during these meetings, past campaigners shared some of their experiences to the first-time campaigners. These meetings have proven to be helpful to produce unity and to encourage others within the groups. Many students wishing to be a part of a campaign group raised their own support. Various congregations and friends with which the students are associated, helped by supporting the various campaigners. Some congregations prepared all year for the opportunity to support the campaigners. Congregational support for campaigners was very necessary, seeing that many of the students' families must pay for school expenses as well. The campaigners hoped to work alongside the local church members or missionaries in door-knocking, vacation Bible schools, singing, praying, personal Bible studies and a host of other activities. Generally speaking, campaigns could be seen as having a four-fold purpose. First, campaigns provided an opportunity to teach and spread the gospel. Campaigners stressed the importance of being evangelical. A commonly stated Bible verse used by many campaigners for encouragement was Matt. 28: 19 , 20. This verse was referred to by many as the "Great CommisPreaching the Word. Don Shackelford stresses the importance of the Word being spread throughout the world during an International Campaign meeting. - photo by James McCreary.