1984-1985 Yearbook

Alpha Delta Mu Alpha Psi Honor Societies Strive for The National Honor Society for socia l work programs, the Beta Lambda chapter Alpha Delta Mu. Front row: Stanford, Anderson , Williman , Doerr. Back row; Pendergraft, Shock· sponsor, George, Nieto , Curtsinger, Pace-sponsor, Cole. - photo by Matt Wissinger. De lta Mu Delta . Front row; Caraway, P. Holladay, B. Holladay , Hess, Smith. Second row; Chan, Buford, Grissom , McAffee, Frondolig. Third row: Smith, Stewart , Hines, Burt, Noblitt , Wa tson, Poe , Hill, Hill , Waterson . Fourth row; Simpson, Westjohn, Gibson , Johnson, Young, Walker, Flippin , Brown , Martin , Stovall. Back row: Johns, Lowery , Stack, Burtcher, Dennim, Colson , Sherrod , Richardson, Gardner, Breedlove, Jones, Dean. - photo by James McCreary. 60 Honor societies of Alpha Delta Mu, opened its membership to those socia l work majors with a 3.0 grade point average of better. The society, which was accredited by the council on Social Work Education strove to advance excellence in social work practice and to encourage, stimulate and maintain the scholarship of the individ ual members. The group increased its membership after spring induction . The membership to the society is lifelong. t:i'&. · Alpha Psi Omega was a national honor fraternity for theatre students. The qua lifications for membership were working in various areas of theatre for two years or more, along with a continuing interest in the field of dramatics. The members do several activities such as designing , building , painting, directing, acting and publicizing some of the productions that are put on during the year. Since this organization was much like Campus Players, there are many of the same people in both organizations. i~ Hosting one of the largest chapters of Delta Mu Delta, the Harding University Alpha Epsilon chapter proVided recognition to students who excelled in the School of Business. Not intended as a service organization, the group served solely as an honor society. To be e ligible, one needed a cumulative grade point average of 3. 25 or higher with 60 or more credit hours . The highlight of the year was the second annual Business Awards Banquet held at King's Inn Restaurant on April 8. Nearly 200 faculty members, students and special guests attended. According to Dr. David Burks, faculty sponsor of Delta Mu De lta and former member of the Delta Mu De lta executive board of governors , "the banquet was important to honor and recognize students who achieved excellence." With the promotion of excellence, the organization purported as its main goal to promote higher scholarship in training for business subjects. In emphasizing their goals, they sponsored the School of Business Awards Banquet and conducted a large induction ceremony for new