1984-1985 Yearbook

American Studies Societies Help Find Background The American Studies Program was , opened to students majoring in the School of Business, History or Politi~al Science. It required a 3.0 grade point average on 45 complete hours. The purpose of the American Studies program was to expose members to outstanding individuals ranging from business leaders, to political leaders to well-known authors. The program had two main aspects. The first conSisted of tours and trips. In the fall, the group took a trip to Dallas. While there, the group visited a variety of businesses and talked with many different leaders, one of which was the coach of the Dallas Cowboys. According to graduate student , Trip Tennyson , "Everything that 'you have studied in school really begins to come together and you see how it applies in the business world." In the spring, a group of the members traveled to Atlanta, Georgia where they visited several businesses and industries and listened to various political and business leaders. The second aspect of the program was the variety of speakers who visited the campus. The speakers, 'first, were, treated _ . to a dinner held in their honor then, proA Warm Welcome. As guest speaker of American Studies , Paul Carter from Bentonville, Arka~sas ceecled to give a lecture to the students is greeted by seniors Richard and Peggy Hall, - photo by Public Relations Office. and general public. American Studies. Front row: Smelser, Chapel, Tefertiller, Richardson, McDowell, Johns, Allen, Lawrence , Clements, Fretland , Brasher, S. Stovall, Price. Second row: Emerson, D. Johnson, Warren , Savage, Honey, Hulett, Pryo" Froyen , Townsdin, Cox, Davis, Billingsly , Waites, Mattox, Haas, Hayes, Wagner, Collier, McAfee, Hughes, Grissom, Clark, Holladay, Knapp, Killingham. Third row: Picker, Hall , Noblitt, Lowery, Stevenson, Blasingame, West, C. Smith , Branum. Fourth row: Gardner, Samuel , Powers, Perry , D. Stovall, McCaughn, Westjohn, Ho/yroyd, Smith, Maynard , Lester, Dean , Ruble, Henderson , Butcher, Hess, J. Johnson, King. Back row: Fowler, Addington , Turner, Lafferty , Ford, Mott , Kisseberth, Ozbirn , McCullough , Combs, Kennon , Faure , T. Johnson , Brown, Halbert, Dismuke, Moore, Buford, Hill, Gibson, Jones, Fish, Bounds, Flippin, Maxwell, Caraway. - photo by James McCreary. 48 Academic groups In the fall the American Studies lecture series 'started off with William A. Rusher, a conservative columnist, lecturer and author of several books. He was followed by Charles O. Jones, president of Life Management Services, Inc. of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Norman Podhoretz, editorin-chief of Commentary Magazine and Paul R. Carter senior vice-president of special divisions for Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and a member of the University Board of Trustees. The spring series was started with Arkansas Senator Dale Bumpers. In February, the American Studies group participated in the 13th Annual Management Seminar. Its featured speakers were Don Hutson and Don Beck. The last two speakers in the program were Helmut Schmidt, a past Chancellor of West Germany and Gerald Turner , Chancellor of the University of Mississippi. ,~