1984-1985 Yearbook

and Sorrow, Frustration and Hope Ghandi was not as fortunate. Her own Sikh bodyguards assassinated her as part of the religious strife threatening to tear India apart. Earlier in the year, Mrs. Ghandi had ordered the invasion of a Sikh holy shrine, the Golden Temple, which had become an underground arms depot. During the invasion, 700 militant Sikhs were killed. Countless other bombings , kidnappings and high jackings filled the news. And worst of all, the continuing famine in Africa has left over 300,000 dead and millions hungry. In the U.S. , Miss America's crown was tarnished when nude photographs of Vanessa Williams forced her to resign. The day before the Olympics opened a young man drove his car down a Los Angeles sidewalk mowing down pedestrians. No one was killed but 50 were injured. And Bernard Goetz became a symbol of American's frustration with urban crime when he shot four young blacks threatening him on a New York subway. Americans also said "good-bye" to some old friends: actors Richard Burton and Peter Lawford, pollster George Gallup , McDonald's owner Ray Kroc, jazz great Count Basie and running guru Jim Fixx who, ironically, died from the heart altack Fixx claimed joggers rarely suffer. But others gave examples of hope for the future. One was an infant called Baby Fae. She fought gallantly after a baboon's heart replaced her defective heart. William Shroeder continued to give thanks to an artificial heart. The two bravely allowed themselves to be used as experiments so others might live belter lives in the future. In South America, Jose Napoleon Duarte strove to bring peace, democracy and justice to El Salvador fighting both Single Glove Symbolizes Jackson 5's Continued Success. Michael Jackson conducted his socalled Victory tour to more than a dozen cities. - photo by AP /Wide World Photos. right-wing death squads and Marxist guerillas. And the South African black Anglican Bishop Desmond Tutu won the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize sparking new enthusiasm to end South Africa's unjust apartheid system. But our greatest hope may have come from the Soviet Union. The old leadership of Russia has slowly begun the process of passing power to the next generation. Yuri Andropov and Defense Minister Ustinov died, and Cherneko, the present Soviet leader , "Has a cold." Yet behind these men a new, younger and better educated Soviet leadership prepares to takeover, and the Western world hopes and prays for an easing Soviet militancy. Today, Reagan rides high in popularity, but several difficult jobs await his second term. The Soviets and the U.S. are now willing to negotiate nuclear disarmament - a difficult and technical craft. Huge budget deficits threaten to stifle economic growth and many Americans were calling for tax reform. Difficult choices and decisions lie ahead, so let us learn from the examples of strength and persistence in the human spirit of 1984. As we begin to refurbish the Statue of Liberty, let us remember the hope and freedom she symbolizes. &. Election '84 Hits EI Salvador. After years of civil war, elections were held in EI Salvador in 1984. The headline reads "There is Faith in the Electoral Process." - photo by AP/WideWorld Photos. World News 43