Special Interests Student Association Provides Successful Year The Student Association for the 1984-85 school year was led by President Bryan Burks, Vice President Greg Henderson, Secretary-Treasurer Brad Altman , two representatives from each class and sponsors Craig J ones and Linda Arnold. The traditional mixer started off the year in order to allow old friends to reunite and new fri ends to be made. After several Like Father Like Son. Mr. Craig Jones and his son Rees hurriedly run to the gym for the ''fun '' actiuities at the annual Senior High Retreat sponsored by the S.A. - photo by Jon Dugger. 310 SpecialInterests minutes of free visiting time, the students merged into the auditorium for the enterta inmen t. The cheerleaders started the school spirit of the year with a pep rally and -afterward everyone was filled with cookies and homemade ice cream_ Working together with their sponsors, the executive council planned for the Senior High Fall Retreat at Camp Tahkodah on the weekend of September 27. The successful weekend was filled with Christian love as friends got to know one another better . December was filled wi th the Christmas spirit as the whole school participated in a food drive sponsored by the S.A. The turnout was great and many families were blessed by the generosity of each individual. f!~ Student Association Representatives. Front row: Rice, Boyd, Pelkey, Stanley, Hendon , Dickson . Back row: Birmingham, Tate , Richey, Fielder, Olree , Martin. - photo by Bobby Scoggins. Student Association Officers.:, Altman - Secretary· Treasurer, Burks - President, Henderson - Vice President. - photo by Bobby Scoggins.