SUB-DEB Sub-Deb's Gains Ten Sub-Deb gained 10 to start of a great new year. Pledging activities began on Thursday, September 27, directly after school. The girls were led on a "roundabout" path to the President Donna England 's house . Here they were given the appropriate instructions on how to make themselves beautiful for the following day. All the girls joined in performing tota lly ridicu lous tasks forced upon them by their wonderful "pledgemistresses. " They especially enjoyed the air raids . Formal initiation was held on October 23 at Donna England's home. They all participated in a very special candlelight ceremony , in which each girl lit her designated candle to signify her bond of unity to her club and to her fellow members. Sponsor Marie Yingling hosted the Christmas party at her home on December 15. On this occasion each girl had to ask that one guy that she had just been dying to go out with since school started. They gave each guy festive stockings stuffed with all kinds of goodies. Sub-Deb planned the traditionai spring banquet to complete their activities for the year. ff~ Sub-Deb. Front row ; Vaughn , Stanley , Tate , Barrett , Ca rter, Tagart , Dean. Back row: L. Hendon , Diles , Buss, Hickman , Throckmorton, England, Grunwald , Pelkey . D. Hendon , Lyons, Martin. - photo by Todd Glover. When Two Hands Aren't Enough You Have To Compensate. Bobby Boaz walchs while Murray illustrates her unusually talented mouth. photo by Jimmy Duncan. 308 Social Clubs Sub-Deb May Fete Representative. Ashlie Dean is at· tended by beaux Brian Burks and Jon Dugger. - photo by Matt Wissinger . Break Time. Three Sub-Deb pledges take a break from pledging activities during lunch time. - photo by Jimmy Duncan. DO o