As the sun rose over Harding Academy on August 22, 1984, a new school year began. As with every beginning it was a chance to grow and learn. Several things were different in 1984-85 from the previous year. The Academy acquired 28 new students. Each one brought something special that added to the potpourri of individua ls that made up the personality of Harding Academy. The students and faculty both worked toward a common goal - to teach others about Christ and grow as Christians. Some things didn 't change - the enthusiasm ove r the football victories and the idea of taking the state championship for the second year in a row. There was a growing interest in girls' sports since this was only the second year that they were in competition with other schools. The junior and senior girls' classes each gave a devotional in all-girls' chapel. Kim Rowan and othe rs shared their feelings which brought the junior and senior high girls closer together. As the year progressed each student grew and changed in many ways. A chapter in our lives was completed and a new one was begun &. - Suzanne Manley Academy Editor SOMETHING NEW IN Dedication 294 Pep and Pride 318 Life 296 Boy's Sports 320 Retreat 300 Girl's Sports 329 Honors 302 Faculty 336 Social Clubs 306 Classes 338 Special Interest 309 Elementary 351 Music Groups 315 Epilogue 355 292 Academy