1984-1985 Yearbook

"The love for the Lord and each other is wonderful to see and be a part of." Mary Ann Fowler Linda Gibson of Picayune, Mississippi, majored in accounting. She was active in Ju Go Ju social club and also served as president. Gibson was also a member of the American Studies program, Alpha Chi Honor Society and International Campaigns. She was also active in Harding's business clubs; Delta Mu Delta imd Pi Gamma Psi. Gibson notes "going on campaigns to Sydney, Australia with friends and growing to love the Christians in Australia" as her greatest experience at Harding. She planned to work for an accounting firm in Denver, Col· orado, after graduation. "I learned a lot by going on campaigns in Australia. It showed me that there are people all the way on the other side of the world with the same hopes and dreams that I have," stated Mary Ann Fowler. She was a marketing major from Southhaven, Mississippi. She was active in Zeta Rho social club, American Studies, Marketing Club, Interclub Council Representative, International Campaigns, Society for the Advancement of Management, and TNT queen. "Harding offers many opportunities for an individual to grow, take ad- 'vantge of all the opportunities," said Mark Adkison, a marketing major. He was from Tulsa, Oklahoma. He 274 Who's Who Mary Ann Fowler is seated in front of Linda Gibson, Mark Adkison and Tom Martin. - photo by Wes Holland. planned to work as a saleman of sporting goods. While at Harding he served as Ka Re Ta social club beau, captain of the Haridng football team, AII-AIC football team, Campus Ministry team and Kappa Sigma Kappa social club. Tom Martin from Vincennas, Indiana, majore<;l in Bible and Social Sciences. Some of his greatest experiences at Harding were the times he spent with his close friends. Friends he was able to "have the privelege to serve, love and laugh with." Martin was involved with the Campus Ministry team, Lily Pool devotional director, football team and served as a graduate assistant to the team. After graduation he planned to teach social science and coach football on the high school level.