1984-1985 Yearbook

"Learn to incorporate God, jobs and friends all together in the right order. " Cheryl Willimann Kenneth Graves was a Bible and biblical languages major from Muskegon , Michigan. After graduation he plans to do graduate work in religion and do mission work in Brazil with his wife . Graves was involved in Timothy Club, Brazilian Campaigns and Alpha Chi Honor Society. One of his greatest experiences while at Harding was the spiritual stimulation he received from his close friends and teachers. "We would all do better if we would regularly examine ourselves to make sure that we are keeping our perspective and priorities straight." The most impressive aspect of Harding for John T. Smith has been the attitudes of his instructors. "They really care about people as individuals," he said. Smith was from EI Dorado and majored in accounting. He planned to have a carerr in public accounting, to settle down with his Wife, Nancy. Smith was involved in the American Studies program, Kappa Sigma Kappa social club, Campus Ministry Team, May Campaigns, Delta Mu Delta and Pi Gamma Psi. To enjoy Harding better Smith suggests students "make as many genuine friends as possible, keep God first in your life and finally - nothing really worth having ever comes easy." Cheryl Willimann from Quincy , illinois , majored in social work. She was a member of Chi L-ambda Chi social club , Beta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Delta Mu , National Social Work Honor Society and President of the Month coordinator. Willimann also served as Director of Contact Telephone Counseling services, President of Harding Social Work Club and was involved in various other social work clubs. In the future she plans to receive a master's degree in administrative social work. Willimann's greatest experience happened when she was chesen as 272 Who's Who Cheryl Willi man and Nancy Smith ore seated in front of Kenneth Graves and John Smith. - photo by James McCreary. President of the Month coordinator. "All 'the -work was tremendously rewarding when I saw the sparkle in the residents eyes and heard them talk about it for the next few weeks." . Nancy Smith, an accounting major from EI Dorado, felt that students should take advantage of all the unique opportunities Harding has to offer and make the most of their time here. She hoped to begin' a career with public accounting in Dallas. Smith was active in Zeta Rho social club, Campus Ministry Team, May Campaigns, Harding University in Florence, American Studies and Alpha Chi. Smith was also active in Pi Gamma Psi and Delta Mu Delta. She enjoyed every aspect of Harding. "Being at Harding has been one of the best overall experiences in my life so far."