1984-1985 Yearbook

Donald Scott Hasllngs . Judsonia. AR. Public AdminislTation. Barry T. Hatfield · Streetsboro, OH. Compule r Science . Alpha Gammll Omega, V. prES.; SA Spiritual Life Committee, Timothy David Hatterne! . Troy. lL. Computer Science. Alpha Omega, !Teas.. lIthleUc director: leAC; Chorale: Data Processing Management AssexiaUOIl; Dean's Li~1. lntramurals: Troubadors . Kay Lynn Ha ughland . Wlm~Tle\l, TX Marketing. Zeta Rho. historian; Titans queen; Marketing Club. Michae l Wade Hawley · PbOgbum. AR. PhY'5ical Education. Robert B. Hayu. Jr. - Slidell, LA. Public Administration. Sub T· 16. BI$Cm Staff, reporter; College Republicans; lntramural$, All-Sta r; Resident Assistant; Society For the Advancement of Management; Spring Sing director for Sub T·16. Shaun Marie Hay« · Slide ll. LA. Special Education. <xge . devo. director: May Fete Representative: Campus Ministry Team: JOY. Vicki Lee Hay« . Van Buren, AR. Accounting, Marketing , Tofebt , pres" sec.. devo. director: American Studies; Lambda Sigma queen: Dean's List: PI Gamma Psi: Marketing Club; Senior May Fete Repre$entatlve for Tofebt: Petit Jean Representlltive for Lambdll Sigma Karen Renee HaY$ - Clinton, MS Fashion Merchandising, Ju Go Ju: American Home Economics Association; Ha rding Univel'$lty in Florence , Sha ron Kay Healy - ~bf!, AR Office Systems. Regina: A Cappel~ Women's Ensemble: Belles and Beaux; Camplligns International; Chorale; Chi Sigma Alpha queen: Spring Sing hoslO'SS '84, '85. {continued from page 217) meeting important people . "You were meeting the people who make poliCies and the laws . And it was exciting to be around them. " Republican party." "One night, " she laughed , "I stepped on a few toes from Washington ." She explained that the way she met Michael Deaver was that when she was trying to make her way through a crowded area , she tripped over him. She said that at first she was a little · apprehensive about meeting them. "But you'd see some of the people ," she said , ."and think, 'I'm never going to see them again .' So I'd introduce myself. " Billingsley added that she also got to see former Reagan press secretary James Brady , ABC correspondent Peter Jennings and Cable News Network owner Ted Turner. "And I smiled at Wayne Newton and he smiled back," she said, "It was kinda neat." 218 Some of the national figures she met included Congressman Jack Kemp, President Ronald Reagan's aide Michael Deaver and U.S. Senator Howard Baker. Most , she added , were willing to talk to her and other young people attending the convention , because "they saw the youth as the future of the Several of those Billingsley met at the convention knew about her school. Some congressmen had met people from the University on American Edward Jerome Heaton · Knoxville, TN . Computer Science. Kappa Till> Omegll, piuliamentarian: Alpha Chi: Cenark Student Grotto (Spelunkers). treIlS .• pres ,; Data Processing Management Association; Dean's List . Pa me la lynn HefllngtOtl - Hayward. CA. Vocational Home Economics . Transfer from Chabot CoIleg<? TTl Kappa. treas .; American Home Economics Association; Harding University at Florence: Campus Ministry Tearn . Brenda Kay He inen - Talala, OK. Spanish. Shantih; [kan's List; French Club: Harding University at Florence: Spanish Club. Clinton George Chris Helmuth - Simi Valley. CA. French. Spanish, In temational Studies. Transfer from Lubbock Christian College. Coltege of the C1nyons. K a p~ Sigma Ka:r.pa: Alpha Chi; Delln's List: KapplI Delta Pi. Michael erome Henkel - Cheste rton. IN. Computer S, jence. Tr,msfe r from Pu rdue University. A Cappe lla; Campaigns. Scotland: Da ta Processing Management Assocla· ,~" Elizabeth Irene Herrel . Oyster Bay, NY. English. Journalism. TTl Kappa, historian; Zeta Phi. sec .• pres.; Bison Staff. a55istanl news editor, reporter; Junior and Senior CIIl55 v. pres. ; Petit Jean Staff: Sigma Tau Delta: Society for Collegiate Jou rnalists, pres., SA Homecoming Committee. Russell E. Simmons SdlOlarship. William H. Hess · Lexington. KY. Accounting. Transfer from Unlvel'$ity of Kentucky. Kappa Sigma Kappa: Alpha Chi; Barristers: Campaigns. AuslTaUan: College Republicans: [kan's Ust; Delta Mu Delta; Ha rding: University at Aorence; PI Gamma PsI. v. pres.: Phi Betll Lambda; SA Academic Affairs Committee: InlTamurals. Brenda Sue Hill - Fairfax, VA. Nursing. Alpha Chi; Campaigns. Australian: Dean's Lis!. . Connie Ann HIli - Houslon, TX. Drama. Thea tre. Theta PSi, v. pres,. athlellc di rector; Alpha Chi; Alpha Psi Omega, pres.; Campus Pllly.!rs, v. pres.; Dean's List: Oramlltlcs; Resident Assistant. Gary Allen Hill - Memphis. TN. Manllgement. Seniors Studies trips. One of the speeches she heard , Billingsley said she was particularly impressed by Elizabeth Dole , the U.S . secretary of transportation , and former president Gerald Ford. She said that Dole was "excellent and very knowledgable, " and she noted that "her overall stand was very strong. " Of Ford she said simply, "He' was just wonderful." She said she also enjoyed Reagan's acceptance speech. " It was a little bit long," she said , "but 1 didn't mind. " Billingsley added that one particular special night for her was the night Reagan was nominated. Former Arkansas Governor Frank White gave her his delegate pass so that she could sit in the delegate seating for the nomination . Billingsley said she would like to attend the 1988 convention . But the next time she would like to be a delegate or an alternate. She enjoyed the freedom of being a guest, but she said she would like to get more involved with the party process . Going to the convention changed Billingsley' s perception of politics. And it gave her a good feeling. At the convention , she said , "you felt good because you felt like the leaders in power now are really intelligent and sensible. " "Each night ," she said , "you would walk out with just a great feeling. " oIi!'~ - Eddie Madden