1984-1985 Yearbook

Usa Leann COl< . Fort Worth, TX, English. Mariann Brenda Cox . Newnan, GA, Journalism. Regina; Petlt Jean Staff, ~OPY editor; Alpha Chi. GUes Thomas Crews, Jr. - HalifaK, VA. Biochemistry Donald Earl Curtis . ModeSlO, CA. Management and CQmputer information Systems Usa Denae CUrtsinger - Rogers. AR . Social Work. Vickie Cults · Vincentown. NJ. Biology. Transferred from Ohio Valk!y College, Kap - pa Phi. athletic dIrector; Delta ChI. athletic director; Dean's Ust: Intramural•. AII-StM tacket, Ath\t:te of the Year: K~ppa Delta PI: Pe tit Jelln Staff. photbglapher; ReSident AssiMant: Student Nationlll Educa tion Association; Campus Ministry Team. Mollie Elizabeth Daniel . Te~arkllna, AR. E!ementllry EducatiOn. Shantih. vlei.! pres .. devotion,,! director; Campaigns. International: Dean's Ust: Kappa Delta Pi. Student National Educational Associatlon: Campus Ministry Team Robert Cary Daniel · Memphis. TN. M"themahcs, Bible. Titans, spirltual Ufeleader, tIIhfetic director, presidenl: Campaigns. Italy: Delta Chi Omega, beau; College Republicans: Dean's Lis!; Int,ercolk!giate Athletics; Kappa Delta PI: SA spi ritual life leader, dore<:tor. chaITm"n. T,mothy Club: V, LS.A Teresa Lynn Daugherty . Terre Haute. IN. Speck'll EdUcation. Kent Alan Davidson · Marshall, lL Computer Science. T!<lnsler from Lubbock Chfi~~ lian College. Alpha, Gi>mma Omega. ath letic director; Alpha Chi: Data ProcessIng Management A~OClation~ Dean's L!st Dram<lhcs: Resident Ass~ant Laura Renea Davidson - Judsonia, Aft MusiC EducaTion, Sh"nnon Vance Davidson · Arnold, ML Computer Science. Kappa Tau Omega; Alpha Chi: D<lte PnxCS;Slng Management ASSOCiation ; Dean's List : lntramurals, Kelly Vaughn D(lvis - F<lmax. VA Chemistry Frater Sodalis, vice pres,: Sigma Tau S'9ma~ Tofebt. beau Terri Elizabeth Davis · Van Bllfen, AR. Socia! Seiene.:>. Angela Devon Dear; • Rockford. IL. Music Educa tion. Transferred from Southeast Christian College . A Cappella Women's ensemble, director: Kappa Delta Pi: Skoda, vp: Regina. Leslie Catherine Deneau · Linle Rock, AR. Nursing, Transfer from UALR. Harding Student Nu r5e5 Assoc. Rkhard Marvin Denney · Rock Island, IL Physical Education. Chi Sigma Alpha: In. tercollegia!e Athletics. SwimmIng Captain, All-AIC. Katriniill ReMe Derrickson " LIcking , MO. Dietetics. Theta Psi: Alpha Chi: Dean's LIst; Dietetics . Billie LaFerney Diles · Searcy, AR. Elementary Education. Kappa Delta Pi. TImothy Wayne om . DetToit. ML Management, Transfer from Michigan Christian College. Alpha Tau; AmerK:an Studies: Belles and B.?aul< : B1g Brothe rs: Chorale: Shantih beau: Spring Sing Host; SA CommIttee, Student Activities: V.I.S.A. (continued from page 213) parate in ways. It encourages the whites to work toward understanding and knowing the black culture more fully " 214 While many non-members were skeptical about the club , Tina Blevins, a white student of the School of NurSing , felt the club had special merit , "It makes the whites aware that the blacks feel somewhat seJeanine Dinkins, black and secretary of the club, felt that the organization not only profits from the interaction of the Skotia_ Front row: Jackson, Cathey , B. Jones , Smith , Ruffin , Dean, E. Jones , King-sponsor . Back row: Errol Keller, Walker , Lowery, R. Keller , Errod, Keller, Dinkins, Williams , Small, Patterson . - photo by James McCreary. Seniors black students , but also benfited from the white member' input. "The white members contribute a lot to the club, " she said. "Their support as well as their ability to see the other side of many issues really is helpful." The first year of any relationship is traditionally noted as the hardest , and the HardingSkotia relationship is not an exception, During the first six months of Skotia 's existence , both major and minor incidents upset the Skotia members , the administration and the students, Two male students, one black and one white , were attacked in their dorm rooms. Both incidents seemed to be connected to the club 's formation. Unforunately, no conclusive evidence of the identity of the attackers or their motive turned up. The club has also received several intimidating letters. King feels this rough time is past. FIe said , "We've had some shaky ground because it's a new organization. We always fear what we don't know or understand. " Though the question regarding the letters and the attacks remain unanswered , King thinks the worst harm done was that spirits of many were dampened. Skotia now faces a time of building permanence and stability. The club's song, " Lift Every Voice and Sing, " the National Negro Anthem, expresses the optimism of the members: Sing a song full of the faith that the dark has taught us. Sing a song full of hope that the present has brought us. Facing the rising sun , of our new day begun , Let us march on 'til victory is won . ll..#b. - Karen Roseberry