Senior Class Officers. S teve Hin es-t reasurer, Liz Herre/-vice preSident , Vance Durrington-secretary and Kent Webbpre sident. - photo by Wes Hoiland. Ernest OwUIU Achealll . EJiou ~sease, Ghana. Bible. Neville Stuart Adam•. Christchurch. New Zealand. Genera! Science. Galaxy. Ernie Addington - Bald Knob. AR Political Science. Alpha Chi; American Studies; Barristers: College Bowl Te~m : De~n's List: K~ppa (klt~ Pi; Phi Alph~ Thet~: PI SigllUl Alph~ . Laur. Susan Addi-.on - Troy, MI. Nurslng_ Transferred from Michigan Christian College. Chi Lambda Chi; Chorale: H~rding Student Nurses Association. Mark Anthony Adkl-.on - lulse, OK. M~rketing. Kapp<! Sigma Kappa : Ka Re Ta, be~u: Football, captain ; Campus Ministry Team. Billie Gaye Albany - Glasgow, KY. Art ~nd Psychology_ Tr.-msferred from D~vld U~omb Chi Alpha Rho, hlstoria.n. president; Alpha Chi ; Art Guild; Big Sisters: Stepping Out C~mpaign_ Dean's List ; Harding University at Florence; Kappa PI: Petit Je~n St~If, Photographer; Pse Chi; Resident Assistant. Connle Jean Aluander - Pilmo, TX. Interior Design. Kirei N~ Ai ; Alpha ChI. seclel~ry; College Republicans ; Dean's List; University Singers. Up Paige Alexander · Rochester . MI. Biology. Tofebt , athletic director: M~rchlng Band. SleYen Ray Ailen_ Jr. - Lynchburg, VA. Biology. Oavld Cums Aliumbaugh - Dallas. TX . SPOT1$ Management. Titans; Basl<etball Wilfred Bennett Ander.en - Westport, CT. System~ Analysis. Chi Sigma Alpha, vice preSident; Camp~lgns, Austr~li~: College Republicans: D~t/l Processing Man/lgement ASSOCiation; Harding University In Florence; [nleKoUeglate Athletics, SWimming: Troubadors Craig Allen Ander-.on - Annapolis. MD. Computer Information Systems. Buccaneers: Dal~ Processing MMagemenl Association; Intramurals. AU-Slar; Society for the Adv~ncement of Management Kristen Marie Andelllon - M~nk~to. MA . Business M~nagemenl. Americ~n Studies; College Republlc~ns; De~n's List: Delta Mu Delta: PI Gamma Psi; Phi Bela L~mbda: Society for the Advancement of Management : Student Nahonal Educational Assod~ tion. Monica Lea Anderson - Kelsey , MA Social Work. Transferred from York College. Theta Psi; Alpha Delta Mu: Dean's Ust; Hot Une Staff ; Intramurals: National Associotion of Christians In Social Work, vice president. Usa Joan Anlcuk . BateSville. AR. Nursing. Chi Lambda Chi , secretory. athletk: director; Deon's Ust: Harding Student Nurses Association; Intramural$. Angela DeniM! Anthony - Tucker , GA. Spet!ch Therapy_ David Wllyne Alblll, Jr, - Seorcy. AR. Bible and Management. Chi Sigma Alpho; Big Brothers: Campaigns. International ; Chi Alpha Rho. beau: Regina. beau; Dramatics: Petit Je~n staff: Resident Anistant; Society lor Advancement of Management: Society for Collegiate Journalists: Timothy Club. Jon Allen Alhley . Bonita, CA. Biochemistry. Dean's List; Alpha Chi. Roy MlIllIhalJ Baber - Turkey Creek, LA . Computer Inform/ltion Systems. Transferred from lndian~ Southeast University. K~ppa Tau Omega; College Republicans; D~ta Processing Man~gemenl Association; SOCiety for the Advancement of Management. Robert S, Bliin Jr. - Lexington, KY . Biology . Pi Kap~ Epsilon. treos.: Alpha Chi: College Repubhcans; Dean's List; Pre-Med Club: SA Committee, splr!t u~1 life; Timothy Club; Recipient of a Harding Scholastic Merit Schol/lrship. 210 Seniors LET THEIR LIGHT SHINE It was not too difficult to recognize the senior class on Harding's campus. They were the ones who congregated in the doorways of the Benson Auditorium before chapel each morning, dominated the tables in the College Inn and were the ones who knew exactly where to go during the weekends. They were the B.M.O.C. (Big Men on Campus). The senior student was usually the only one who actually went to the library to study, not to socialize. When they asked to be left alone , they meant it. They carried around the heavier load of books from class to class and tried to cram as many classes as possible into their final year. Students looked up to the members of this class for an ex· ample on what and how things should be done. Usually the upperclassmen were the ones who led the Thursday night Lilypool Devotional. They were the role models for the entire school. The seniors of the class of 1985 realized that in just a few months they would be out of the college environment and into the "Real World. " Time became extremely precious and valuable of them. All in all , the seniors were made to realize that what they achieved here spiritually and academically would play an important role in dealing for the rest of their life. ~ - Susie Clark