1984-1985 Yearbook

Team, impressively won their industry in the 1984 Emory University Intercollegiate Business Game and finished a close runner-up to West Georgia in the special competition among the various industry winners. Harding's chapter of Phi Beta Lambda completed its second year in 1983-84 with impressive results. In state competition Harding entered 15 events and 17 students placed in this competition involving students from 49 universities, colleges and "va- tech" schools throughout Arkansas. School of Business The American Studies Program featured seven outstanding speakers, including Alex Haley , author of Roots, Patrick J. Buchanan , host of Crossfire, and Arkady Shevchenko, former Soviet Ambassador and Undersecretary General of the United Nations. I,},.~ Learning the System. Usa Lilly works on the computer during her Office Systems Analysis Class. - photo by James McCreary. Steve White. MBA. CPA - Ass!. Professor. CIS William Ryan, Jr.. PhD - Assoc. Professor. CIS & Director, CIS Program Barbara Statom. MA - Assoc . Professor, Office Education Mark VanRheenen, MBA. CPA - Ass!. Professor, Accounting Charles Walk~ r. MS - Assoc. Professor, Marketing School of Business 195