1984-1985 Yearbook

College of Arts and Sciences Department of Music Involves All Students - Program features Classes for Non-Majors Both A Cappella Chorus, directed by Dr. Davis and the Chorale , directed by Dr. Ganus, participated in the annual Christian College Festival hosted Jan. 6-7 by Abilene Christian University. Dr. Arthur Shearin directed the A Cappella Chorus while Dr. Davis was in Florence, Italy. Dr. Ganus directed the Belles and Beaux, a smaller ensemble group that traveled frequently for performances to high school groups. Warren Casey directed four different bands using student leaders very effectively to assist him. The Bison Marching Band gave excellent performances at all home fo otball games. The Bison Pep Band performed enthusiastically for all home basketball games. The Harding Concert band began work at the close of the football season and made a tour during the spring semester. The Stage Band concentrated on its Spring Sing performance. The Jazz Band gave several concerts that were popular. Travis Cox directed the Harding Orchestra and a String Ensemble, both of whom performed to appreciative audiences. Dr. Bill Hollaway composed a four-movement composition for the orchestra. Cox also performed with the Little Rock Symphony Orchestra and was promoted in the violin section. He also participated in the Chamber Music Workshop hosted by Penn State University. Two students received recognition at the annual meeting of the Arkansas Section of the National Association of Teachers of Singing. Sharon Johnson placed second and Mark Brown placed third. Many students and student groups performed for various civic groups in the area. Members of the faculty attended numerous professional meetings and held important position of leadership. Dr. Davis servWorking for Perfection. Jeff Hopper, associate professor of music and piano, perfects his own talent in order to better teach his students. photo by James McCreary. ed as Vice President of the Arkansas Chapter of the National Association of Teachers in Singing. Ann Sewell served on a committee of state musicians to establish criteria for major in piano. Mr. Casey served as Treasurer of the Arkansas Chapter of the National Association of Jazz Educators. Providing strong undergraduate majors in the areas offeree was just one of the many responsibilities of the Department of Music. Helping all students developed better appreciation of music through a course in Music Appreciation required of all students for graduation was another responsibility the Department took seriously. The Department also supplied the directors for several university-wide music groups, many of whom represented the University in outstanding performances. Members of the faculty were frequently called upon to perform personally for university functions and civic functions. Dr. Kenneth Davis , Jr., Chairman of the Department and Director of the A Cappella Chorus, assisted by Dr. Kayl Bailey, Professor of Physical Education, directed the 1985 spring semester Harding University in Florence Program. He remained in Europe through June to help with International Campaigns. Dr. Clifton L. Ganus III assisted Dr. Carl Mitchell in directing the 1984 spring semester HUF Program. i1ii~ George E. Baggett, DME ~ Professor , Music Warren Casey, MEd ~ Asst. Professor, Band Patricia Cox, MEd ~ Instructor , Music Travis Cox, MM, MLS ~ Asst. Professor , Orchestra Kenneth Davis, Jr., DMus ~ Professor, Choral Music & Chairman Clifton L. Ganus III, DMA ~ Professor , Choral Music William Hollaway, PhD - Professor , Music & Piano Jeff Hopper, MM ~ Assoc. Professor, Music & Piano Ann Sewell. MM - Assoc. Professor, Piano Arthur Shearin, DMA - Assoc . Professor, Choral Music Neva White. MM - Asst. Professor, Piano Music 187