1984-1985 Yearbook

College of Arts and Sciences Department of Foreign Languages Adds Classes - Aid Offered to Majors of Other Programs Although there were only eight declared majors in French and two in Spanish for the 1984 fall semester, the Department of Foreign Languages and International Studies made a valuable contribution to Harding's academic program. It served the needs of several departments that required one or two years of a modern foreign language for its majors and it also gave strong support to the Missicm/ Prepare Program of the University both through the academic courses offered but , even more , by the personal interest each gave to promoting mission work in non-English-speaking countries . Dr. Winfred Wright, Chairman of the Department, and his wife, Dr. Dorothy Wright , had spent several years as missionaries in France; Robert Helsten had spent several years in Germany; and Ava Conley had spent several summers in mission campaigns to Venezuela and other Spanish-speaking countries in South America. In an effort to serve better the needs of students and to increase enrollment in foreign languages, some major changes went into effect at the beginning of the 1984-85 school year. New conversational courses were added in both French and Spanish. The curriculum in both was revised with greater emphasis being placed on its use in business. The second semester of beginning Italian was offerd on campus when there was suffi cient demand for the benefit of students who participated in the Harding University in Florence program which required a course in Italian in its curriculum , usually in the first semester. A major in International Studies was made available and a 3-12 hour course in Independent Study Abroad was added to the enable students to study in a foreign university while under the cou nsel of Harding. The name of the Department was changed from the Department of Modern Foreign Languages to the Department of Foreign Languages and International Studies. The Department vigorously promoted the study of foreign languages. It conducted a one-day Foreign Language Festival attended by 600 high school students. Chantez! Monsieur Winfred Wright , Dr. de I'Universite', leads a class in French spiritual I songs. One of many courses offered, this special Wednesday night class prepa res students for international campaigns for Christ. - photo by James McCreary. Ava Conley, MA - Assoc. Professor, Spanish • Robert Helsten, MA - Professor, German Don Shackelford, ThO - Professor, Italian Dorothy Wright, Dr. de I'Unlverslte - Professor, French Winfred Wright, Dr. de I'Unlversite - Professor, French & Chairman 182 Foreign Languages and International Studies