1984-1985 Yearbook

14 Spring Sing Before the final awards ceremony, two giant Easter Bunnies accompanied Dr . Clifton L. Ganus, the Harding president , on to the stage to wish Dr. Jack Ryan, Spring Sing coordinator, a happy birthday. They presented a bouquet of balloons and a basket of gifts to him while the audience sang a chorus of "Happy Birthday To You."~ - Liz Herrel and Karen Roseberry "Having A Blast." William Green, of the TNT and Zeta Rho production for Spring Sing '84, drops to. his knees during the dynamite performance. - photo by John J. Radcliffe. "All the Gold in California." Shantih, Tri Sigma Delta, and Kappa Tau Omega bring the au - dience to their feet as the clubs reach for the stars in their musical tribute to the U. S. Olympians. - photo by John J . Radcliffe.