,.. Dawn Gann Softball AII ·Ale AmyH1l1l Sollball AII·Ale Nigel Liverpool Tennis AIl ·Ale AII ·NAJA District 17 linda Phillips Soflboll AII·Ale Pam Tiner So/tball All-Ale 8~rly Gardner Women S Cross Counlly AII ·Ale AiI ·NAJA District 17 Randy Hindman Boseball AII ·Ale AIi ·NAJA District 17 Ted Lloyd Cross Country Coach 01 the Year NAtA District 17 and AIC SIeve Pilkington Baseball AII·Ale AU·NAIA District 17 BUly Tucker Baseball AII ·NAtA District 17 Gordon Gerbholz Football NA1A ACilldemi<: AII·American Dick Johnson Boseball Coach of the Year NAIA DisIrict 17 and AIC Karen Mason Softboll All-Ale Gordon Roddenberry Football AIi·Ale AII ·NAIA District 17 Dkller Villard Goll AII ·Ale All-NAIA District 17 Allen Gibbons Bosketball AII·Ale AII ·NAJA DistrK:l 17 Terry Jones Swimming AII·Ale Peter Nanlan Tennis AII ·Ale AU·NAJA District 17 Gill Stegall Track AII ·Ale Pam Watson &/lball All·Ale _ LOiS Goodin Softball AII· AIC KIITen Kemp So/tooll All-Ale Marty Nlnemire Baseball AU·Ale Ail-NAIA District 17 Susie Sweany &/rball AlI ·Ale Larry Wayne Men 's C'O$$ Country AII·Ale All-NAIA District 17 Sian Green Bosh/ball Brochure NAJA AIl·American Jeff Klein FOOlbal1 AU-AIC AII·NAIA Dislrid 17 Jon Pardow Men's Cross Country AII·Ale Julie Thweatt Volleyball AII ·Ale Dwight Weaver Basketball 1984 NA/A Districl 17 All.Tournament Team All Stars 133