1984-1985 Yearbook

Phi Delta., Front row: McCullough-beau, Grimm, Philpot, Purrier, Rogers, Schmittou-beau, Driskell, Hardin, Bagley, Mitchell , Robbins-beau. Second row: Fon· ville, Smith, Junt, Dabbs. Williams , McHan, Cotrill, Jenkins , Riley. Thomas, Dinkins, Wilson-sponsor, Turner, Morgan, Doerr, Bohannan, Lawrence, Thurmond , Mason. Third row: Coggin, Barrett-spanosr, Kinningham, Downs, Ffetcher, Smith, Gustine, Bong. Back row: Newkirk, Hopkins, Frank, Bracher, Rackley, Baker-beau. - photo by Matt Wissinger. Preppies Just Want to Have Fun. Lisa Jenkins struts her stuff during Spring Sing practice. - photo by James McCreary. Lel's Get Serious. Earl Fonville keeps his eye on the batter. - photo by James McCreary. Men of steel in suits of iron, forged legends of valor, untarnished by time. Others before self. Knights & Phi Delta 121