• Knights & Phi Delta Making Their Joy Complete Sharing the joy of spending time together in fellowship, parties and sports once again strengthened the bond between Knights and Phi Delta during the past year. Friendships were kindled, as well as renewed through activities such as the Tuesday night devotionals. These friendships once again helped the members of this brother-sister group through tough times like mid-terms, finals, or any crisis that developed. Sports were a large part of the spring semester for Knights and Phi Delta. Participation on the court, field and even in the swimming pool gave each a new spark that carried them through tlie semester. Phi Delta sent basketball and softball teams into action and proved they were tough competitors. In one of their highest finishes ' ever, Knights displayed their ability to use strokes and kicks to provide a strong challenge for the other teams. As sports drew to a close, so did the semester and spring banquets were just around te corner. Knights and their dates traveled to Fairfield Bay Knight of the Roundtable. An uniden· tifiable plege in his armor stands guard in the student Center. - photo by Wes Holland. 120 Knights & Phi Delta for their banquet and Phi Delta truly had "A Night to Remember" at the i Capital Hotel in little Rock. A new school year began and what were now memories of the past summer were shared as Knights and Phi Delta joined each other for a devotional at Bee Rock. This opened the semester with excitement and en~ thusiasm for both clubs. Next, Knights took their annual camping trip to Camp Tahkodah. This turned outt to be one of the highlights of the semester as a group of Knights decided to play around on a bridge in the dead of night. After a few minutes of "horsing around" the bridge broke l . and fourteen Knights plunged into . the river below. After they returned from the camping trip, Phi Delta ' cooked a dinner for the tired group of Knights. Further on in the I semester, cool evenings of fall provided an excellent time for a hayride and a cookout for the brother-sister clubs. The fall semester again brought an urge for competitveness to Knights and Phi Delta. Knights earned championship crowns in intermediate club "A" and "C" softball, while Phi Delta competed in softball, volleyball and for the first year, football. A service project for Phi Delta also gave some ladies an opportunity to have their days brightened when "",dopt a Grandmother" was put into action. Both groups of ladies benefitted greatly from the companionship of each other. With Christmas approaching quickly, a Christmas party entertained the ladies of Phi Delta in the cozy atmosphere of the Wyldewood Retreat Center. Throughout the semester, devotionals were held on Thursday nights at the home of the Brown family, along with games that were played with the Brown's children on Sunday afternoons. The main highlight of the semester came when both Knights and Phi Delta helped raise over $600 to give to the Brown's. A long semester ended on a very happy note when Knights and Phi Delta watched the children open their Christmas presents. £ Knights. Back row: Turner, Thompson, Jacobs, Ashlock, Jacquet , Hull, Second row; R. Williams, Rodgers, Chrisman. Third row: Stubbs~ Cruise, Budiman, Myers, Knight, Cottril, White. Fourth row: Brazile, Martin , Dodson, Cannady, Stovall, Tomlinson, Hockenberry. Back row; Clements, Fonuille, Wood, M. Williams, Lawson, Collins, Yinton, Lawson, Maddox-sponsor. - photo by Wes Holland.