1984-1985 Yearbook

with a party which was highlighted by an original rendition of "The Night Before Christmas" as portrayed by beau Todd Thompson. Todd and OEGE;s other beaux, Joe Ward , Jeff Stevenson and Mark Dillingham were all presented with Christmas baskets. Helping to pull the clubs together and to provide Christian guidance and examples were their sponsors. Edward White and David Johnson sponsored King's Men, while OEGE sponsors Evelyn White and Marlea Johnson also strived to provide a Christian atmosphere. King's Men and OEGE's Christian examples were evident by their willingness to serve others. Later in the semester, OEGE was awarded a plaque by the Red Cross in appreciation for their work in the blood draws. This concluded a very active semester, and as King's Men mem· ber Clark Sutherland would say, "It was an awesome YEP'N year!" I(f;:;, OEGE. Front row: Gifford. Paugh, Carney, Killen, Thompson-beau. Dillingham. beau, Stevenson-beau. Second row: White~ Morphis , Porter, Ruby. Pryor, Davis, Baxter, Beeson, Korleski. Merritt. Third row: Coleman, Garner, Keen, Banks, D. Mason , Roberts, Davis, Graham, Lynn, K. Mason , Carpenter, Mulhol/er, Scott, Wheaton , Horton . Back row; Miller, Walker, Parker, Starne, Hunter, Gary, Hayes, Patterson, Mars. - photo by Wp~ I-lolland. Between Classes. Stan Beck makes use of some extra time by studying in the calm environment of an afternoon in the student center. - photo by James McCreary. Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might. @ID) Good, better, best, never let it rest, until the good is better and the better is best. King's Men & OEGE 119