1984-1985 Yearbook

Galaxy & Ju Go Ju Striving to Make Each Day Better A new year not only starts the beginning of new classes, but also the planning for a semester's worth of activities. For Galaxy and Ju Go Ju, this meant planning events for their brother-sister social clubs, as well as activities for their respective in~ dividual clubs. The spring was filled with a host of events ranging from Valentine's par· ties to May Fete. Ju Go Ju celebrated the "Holiday of Love" with a Valentine's party. Their spring banquet also proved to be an evening filled with elegance and entertainment, as did Galaxy's which was held at The little Rock Clup. April brought the tradition back to Harding and Ju Go Ju. Their Spring Sing show, "Waist Away" took the first runner-up award in the theme category. Ju Go Ju again sponsored the May Fete celebration in the spring, and another celebration was also in order when they placed as the first runnerup on Track day. This concluded activities for the spring, and Galaxy and Ju Go Ju prepared for a busy fall semester. A picnic opened the semester for Galaxy and Ju Go Ju which was enjoyed under the trees and sunhine at Wyldewood. The annual Galaxy-Ju Go Ju Banana Split Sale was again a -- Ju Go Ju. Front row: Beck, Levitt, Baker, P. Reed, Daugherty, Long. Second row: Wood, Conner, Starling, Stephens, Means, Woods, Worlick. Third row: Tay/or, Tennant, Grow, McCullough, Penton, Maynard, Henry, Boone, Gibson. Fourth row: Gurchiek, Waite, Mimms, Carpenter, Hill, Cloud, Hamlett, Green, Edwards-beau. Fifth row: Cash, C. Reed, Corbin, Bridges, Drinnen·beau. Back row: Foster, Denham, Todd, Campbell, Hamilton, Hart, Tatum, Burge, Lavender, Bunting, Williams, Ferguson, Bernard, Mallard, Smith-beau. - photo by John Radcliffe. 114 Galaxy & Ju Go Ju highlight for Harding's traditional ice cream lovers, as well as being very popular with Harding's new student population. Both clubs took advantage of the cool fall temperature and clear skies to spend an evening under the stars while taking a trip on a hayride. This gave members a chance to snuggle with their sweethearts or just enjoy the company of fellow club members. As the season of spooks crept onto the scene, Galaxy and Ju Go Ju spent Halloween in celebration and fright with a party attended by spirits of all kinds. Induction provided change of pace for each, as they prepared to attract prospective members with open house, mixers and parties. During induction, a trip to Pinnacle Mountain was taken by both clubs and a ball night in the old gym for Galaxy gave members and inductees an opportunity to test their skill in volleyball, basketball and battle ball. Sports competition led both clubs into a winning atmosphere. Ju Go Ju captured the first runner-up position in "B" team softball, while Galaxy competed in' softball, football, basketball and won the "A," "C" and "D" championships in intermediate volleyball. The semester concluded with Christmas parties to fellowship during the season of good cheer, and Ju Go Ju also took time to brighten the days for the elderly. This type of service set an example in which Galaxy and Ju Go Ju continued to strive for. The bond was strengthened through fellowship that included parties, worship and devotionals. Living to make each better in the sight of Christ continued to be a main goal for this brother-sister group. £