1984-1985 Yearbook

Even the chapel period seemed io have greater meaning and significance to most students . The chapel speech made by senior Mark Hudson detailing the "new life" he was pursuing and challenging his peers to genuine Christian commitment was long remembered and made a real impact on the campus. He urged the students " to start the year anew and to make a genuine change in their lives ." Students participating in the fall Harding University in Florence (Italy) program had to delay their departure about two weeks so that the new villa purchased during the summer could undergo needed renovations . The special nondegree program for the education of preachers became the School of Biblical Studies instead of the Christian Communications Program. The format of the annual fall Biblical lectureship was new, beginning on Sunday evening and concluding on Wednesday evening. Students were requested to provide an evaluation of Harding in the preparation of the Self-Study Report submitted in December to the North Central Association in preparation for the on-site visit in February by the accreditation team. The 1985 Petit Jean has attempted to cover the events of 1984-85 at Harding University and present in the best possible photojournalism a panoramic view of the year . The preparation of the book was an effort by the staff to recapture for the students the unique as well as the traditional events of 1984-85 so that they can see that they played a vital part in THE START OF SOMETHING Life_____________ 10 Organizations 46 Social Clubs 84 Sports 130 Academics 166 Classes 208 Honors 266 Academy 292 8 Sunrise Wildlife. Har· d ing 's campus is flo wers, trees, sh rubs and, of co urse , ani · ma/s. Th is baby blue j ay is just an example of one of the animals that also makes its home at Hard ing. - photo by Eddie Madden. Nice and Easy. Larry and Matt Scorzelli gently Andrea Hill into the Lilly - photo by We, Holland.