Administration President More than Onel Celebration in the 'Decade of Excellence' For Dr. Clifton L. Ganus, Jr., President of Harding University, the 1983~84 school year was definitely a year of "putting the pieces together. " On August 13, 1983, the vice president for academic affairs and dean of the College of Arts and Sciences retired after 23 years as the academic head, the assistant to the president retired from full-time work after more than a decade of service as assistant, the chairman of the biology department retired after 38 years of service in that capacity, a new chairman of the Bible department was appointed, the "Endowing a Destiny" campaign for 1983'-87 was launched, and the women's intercollegiate athletic program was expanded. During the summer of 1983, construction was begun on the $1.1 million, 14,600 square feet addition to the Science Building. This was the last major building construction projected shortly after Dr. Ganus was inaugurated as president in 1965, ushering in the "Decade of Excellence." Efforts this year were focused on building endowment to help keep down costs to students and to insure a program of excellence for the fu ture. During July , accompanied by his wife, Louise, he spent two weeks in the Caribbean and South America on a lectureship and study tour, speaking at the Antigua, West Indies, Lectureship, and in Caracas, Venezuela. In Venezuela, he had fellowship with the summer mission program conducted by students from Board of Trustees At the October 28 meeting of the Board of Trustees, a resolution was passed and signed by the Board expressing genuine appreciation to Dr. Clifton L. Ganus, Jr., president of Harding, for his effective and dedicated leadership of the University. . . "Endowing a Destiny" had been launched at the May 13,1983, Board meeting to raise $13.1 million over a five-year period for current operating needs and a much larger deferred The Board of Trustees include: Front row: Dr, George Benson, Louis Green. lames Cone , Mrs. Carrie Lou Davis. John D. Baldwin , Dr. Dcm Russell, and Mrs. Nina Warnock. Second row: Don Shores , 86 President / Board of Directors Harding under the direction of Bill and Ava Conley. He also spoke during the summer at the summer church encampment in Yosemite, California. He preached for congregations in Arkansas, Alabama, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Texas, and Michigan. President Ganus was active in civic activities, being a member of the Searcy Lions Club, on the Board of First Security Bank, on the Board of Finest Foods, Inc., of New Orleans, and on the Executive Committee of the Independent Colleges of Arkansas. He spoke at youth citizenship seminars in Arkansas, Indiana , Michigan, and Texas. He also was the speaker for a number of professional meetings, speaking for the Farm Bureau Women in Hot Springs, Agape in Atlanta, The Christian Social Workers Convention in Little Rock, and the Breakfast of Champions in Pensacola, FL. He spoke on lectureships at Alabama Christian College and Georgia Christian School. On August 13, the Ganuses' three children planned a surprise informal reception in honor of their parents' 40th wedding anniversary on the front lawn of Harding University where the couple had met more than 44 years ago. A large cake, copied from a photograph of their May 27, 1943, wedding cake, was served to the 340 guests. On October 11, during the annual fall Bible lectureship, both President Ganus and Dr. capital gift effort to build Harding's endowment resources. Volunteers from the Board . and the President's Development Council conducted the advance gift phase during 1983. By October 27, $5.55 million had been pledged toward the $13.1 million goal and $15.73 million had been pledged in deferred gifts for endowment. The 1983-84 budget was changed from $20.83 million to $21.22 million for the operation of the Graduate School of Religion in Memphis, TN, the Christian Communications Program, the Harding Academy of Searcy, - Johll J. Radcliffe Dallas Harris, Roy Sawyer , Qlan Hendrix, lim Bill Mclnteer. Houston Ezell. Back row: Jack Goode, Dr. Russell Burcham , David Paul Burton , Richard Gibson. Dr. Harold Ellers, and Dr. Clifton Ganus Jr. Neale T. Pryor, Vice President for Academic Affairs, spoke on the "Amazing Grace" Bible class program filmed in the George S. Benson Auditorium, one in the series of programs televised weekly by the Madison, TN, Church of Christ. He served as an elder of the College Church of Christ in Searcy and as chairman of the Finance Committee. President Ganus commented, "I count myself fortunate to be able to work with a wonderful group of dedicated , capable people who love the Lord and serve well in his kingdom. ,There is no way to measure the far-- reaching effects of our work with the leaders of tomorrow. We plant and cultivate and God gives the increase." President Ganus completed 38 years as a member of the Harding faculty with 19 of these years being as president of the institution . I\) 1. As the crowning of the Homecoming queen approaches Olivia Eddins, Dr. Ganus and Casey Rine look on. 2. During summer session Dr. Ganus enjoys the barbecue on the lawn with the studeuts and American Heritage cooks. 3. The Ganus family portrait taken on Clifton GallUS Jr. 's 40th wedding anl1iversary includes: front row: Billy Ganus, Johnt!a Duke, David Duke, Sherrill Ganus, and Louisa Duke. Second row: Jolm Richard Duke. Cliftot! Ganus III, Louise Ganus. James Clifton Ganus , Clifton Gat!us Jr., and Charles. Third row: Debbie Ganus , Richard Duke, Debbie Duke. and Patty Ganus. and the UniverSity proper. This budget necessitated the raising of $1.15 million from alumni and friends in addition to the $1.1 million needed for the addition to the Science Building that was begun last spring. The Board also approved the organization of a Business Advisory Council similar to that which has functioned effectively for several years in the natural and medical sciences. Approval was also given for a Master of Science in Accounting degree beginning in the fall of 1984. On May 12, 1983, a committee of the Board invited students and faculty members to voice their views on women's intercollegiate athletics. The committee also talked with the AIC commissioner, Mr. Harry T. Hall , The next day, at the meeting of the Board, held for a change at Red Apple Inn near Heber Springs, the Board approved the addition of volleyball and basketball to the women's program. The information supplied by Mr. Hall cleared Harding of the alleged violations. The Board also passed a resolution commending Dr. Joseph E. Pryor, who was scheduled to retire as the chief academic administrator on August 21, following 23 years in this position, and requested that the resolution be published in the Petit Jean. The Harding community was saddened by the death of D. F. Anguish on October 9. A resident of Dresden, OH, Bro. Anguish had served 30 years as a member of the Board of Trustees. ~