M E N , Intramurals Provide Wide Variety of Sports 5 I N T R A M U R A L 5 While the Bisons fought it out on the in- Darrell Webb was named Sports skill tercollegiate level, there was a war of sorts Champion for the third consecutive year. on the intramural level that was just as in- During a chapel program, the following tense. The same desire to win was fe lt clubs were honored with all-sports troamong players whether it was softball , vol- I phies: hig clubs: Titans "A", Sub T "B" and leyball o r swimming. No team or club "e", Kappa Sigs "0" and "E"; small clubs: wanted to lose, but more important than King's Men "A" and "D" and Theta Tau "8" winning was to play hard and have fun. and "C". The intramural program consisted of The big club swimming championship both clubs as well as "intramural " compet i- was captured by Chi Sigs. AGO took the tion. Students that were not in a club had sma ll club swimming trophy. the opportunity to play sports on an in- In track and field, individual event wintramural team. Where as, students that ners for big clubs were as follows: 100 were in clubs, could play on the intramural meters dash , Ricky Howe-Bucs; 200 meter teams as well as their own club teams. The I dash , Keith Tallbear-Kappa Sigs; 400 meter sports arranged from basketball to volley- dash . Tommy Sitton-Kappa Sigs; 800 meter ball to swimming to even horseshoe com- dash . Sitton-Kappa Sigs; 1500 meter run ; petition. Sitton-Kappa Sigs; Low hurdles. Kevin Jackets were given to those who compiled Webb-Bucs; High hurdles. Rieke Stewart2000 points or more on the intramural level. Titans; High jump; Keith Herring-Alpha Those earning jackets were as follows: Dar- Tau ; Pole Vault . Scotty Valentine-Titans; rell Webb . Tim Thomp son. Brad and Discus ; Troy Sanstra-Titans. Small Holloway, Mike Miller, .Brent Alexander , club individual winners were; 100 meter Mark Weeks, Scott Vaughn. Kevin Conol - dash, Scott Harris-AGO; 200 meter dash , ty, Cho Law, Tom Carden, Ben Arm- Harris AGO; 400 meter dash , Tony strong, Duane Whitehead, Mike Shirley, Bradley-Alpha Omega; 800 meter dash, and Greg East. Mike Nolte was awarded the Mark Pickhart-Lambdas; 1500 meter run, Intramural Spirit Award. The Intramural Pickhart-Lambdas; Low hurdles, Danny Athlete of the Year was Brad Holloway and Dermus-Knights; High hurdles, Mark 82 Men 's Intramurals Thompson-Fraters ; High jump, Scott Harris-AGO; Pole vault, John MartinezAlpha Omega; and Discus, Jeff Klein-Kings Men. Teams that won the relays were as fo ll ows: big club-Kappa Sigs took all three; but in small clubs Alpha Omega won the 400 meter relay, Knights won the 800 meter and Thete Tau won the 1600 meter relay. The competition seemed to increase as weather warmed up. With the warmer - 101m I . RQdC/iffe