1983-1984 Yearbook

_______________________________EPILOGUE__ ~, 6 - Ken Shacktlford - Doug Ki!mull "We see things not as they are, but as we are. " - H.M. Tomlinson As we look over the 1983-84 school year, each of us sees a different year. Of course for most of us the same events come to mind ; we share though ts of the same people and the same places. But each individual 's memories and impressions of the year vary , because OUf memories and impressions mi rror ou r hearts. In every activity, in every conversation, and in every interlude of silence, each of us had a unique perspective because we observed the worl d through our own eyes; we foc used and fi ltered with our own ideas and attitudes. For some, 1983-84 was a year of struggle and growth , fo r some a year of ind ividual or team achievement, for some it was just another year of school to endure, and for some it was a year of reaching out to people, ga ining new insights, and maturing in a relat ionship to God. The 1984 Petit Jean is an attemp t to capture the moments and memories of the year. In just 64 pages, of course , we canno t hope to' have covered every single aspect of the year. But we have done our best to present the momen ts as they were, and we hope that each of us will make the best of them through what we are ~. - Sheila Ulldenvood A cademy Editor 1984 Petit Jean Staff Advisor - Miss Ruth Browning Editor - Sheila Underwood Assistant Edi tor - Suzanne Manley W~o's Who - Pam Dickinson Pep and Pride - Melanie Bridges Boys' Sports - Jon Dugger Girls' Sports and Social Clubs - Shelma Collins Melita Diles Special Interests - Suzanne Manley Faculty - Dana Reely Seniors - Debbie Cox Classes - Nola Killebrew Elementary - Lisa Underwood Photographers - Doug Ki lman Ken Shackelford Marty Spears Arthur Camp Jeff Johnson Writers - Mike Allen Gregg Barden Rob Ross Typist - Samantha Farrar :PILOGUEEPILOGUEEPILOGUEEPILOGUEEPILOGUEEPILOGUEEPILOGUEEPI Epilogue 357