__ KINDERGARTEN____________ ~ Start "Let's Beginning • • The beginning is a very good place to start, and at Harding Academy , the beginning couldn 't get much better than the Harding Kindergarten. 1983-84 saw the kindergarten's third year of operation, and the twenty-one children enrolled received an excellent foundation for learning, as had the previous two classes. The kindergarten provided a complete readiness program in reading and mathematics, and the curriculum also included science, social studies, music, art , physical education - even cooking! In addition to attending classes and activities at the school building, the children visited places such as a farm , the hospital , the zoo , Yarnell 's lee Cream, McDonald's, Searcy Medical Center, Whit~ 1. Kindergarten, Front row: T. Hendon. Farley , Wat son, Glenn, Yarnell. Seco /ld row: Rine. Williams, Cox, Eddills, Miller, Stafford. Back row: Carol He/zdo lz -teaciler, Duke, Feagin , Van-'~ lJ ee'z e /l, Cooper, Blue. 2, The end of a day, the end of a year; the sun bids farewe ll to the class o f '84. 3. Academy Editor Sheila Undennood makes fina l selections of prints t o be used . 4. Montgomery Feagirl seems somewhat perplexed at his friend, Daniel McDonald's exuberance in music class. 5. Elmer's Glue is a fi veyear-old's best friend, and Christina Ya rnell enjoys using it during art class. 6. A photographer's creativity is embodied ilz this mock Wildcat. 7. Assorted bricks make a temporary memorial t o Harding A cademy. at the Very " • County Courthouse , and the Searcy Airport. The children weren' t the only ones involved in the learning experiences, though. Parents also shared in the activities. Each child's parent came once during the year to tell about his or her profession or about a special hobby. Sometimes the whole group even got to see the parents on the job by taking a trip to their place of employment. Mrs. Carol Hendon , director of the kindergarten , commented, "Our goal is to make learning fun and to give the children an exciting and positive first experience with their formal education ," and it seems that that goal was indeed fulfilled in the 1983-84 school year. - Ken Sh<lckelford lNDERGARTENKINDERGARTENKINDERGARTENKINDERGARTENKINDERG 356 Kindergarten