_______Pee-Wee Cats Fight on Despite Losses_--: 1. For some, library time is boring, but for Heather Montgomery, Shelley Freeman. Lorrie Soles. and Stacy Oakes. it's a time for catching up on classroom news. 2. First Grade. Front row; McSpadden, Williams, Dickinson, Blue, Tucker. Second row; Hale, Pitt, Staggs, Barber, Morris. Third row: Jackson, Bradberry, Dawson, Behel, Plant. Back row: Thomas, Lloyd, Fouts, Miller, Brown, Bearden, 150m-teacher. 3. "Ahl" lee cold water hits the spot for thirsty elementary children after recess. 4. Elementary Football Team. Front row: Barber, Jennings, Milner, Stafford, Boyle, Nokes, Brown. Birmingham. Second row: Moore, Brian Birmingham, Ryan. Angel, Bridges, Peebles, Bolding, Branch. Back row: Rhodes-coach, Walker, Spears, Hydron, Underwood. Anderson, Eads, Fouts, Slayton, Kreh. Lambeth-coach. 5. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" seems to be the philosophy behind daily recess. 6. Second Grade. Front row: Cloer, Brocks, Montgomery, Daughety, M. Miller, G. Miller, Oakes. Second row: Sears-teacher, Wright, Nichols, Boyles, Peacock, Vignery, Sandlin, Farley. Back row: Blue, Soles, Gardner. Duke, Terrill, Tate. Freeman, 7. Energetic cheerleaders Michelle Dawson and Usa Dickinson show their support for the Wildcats in a rousing cheer. B. Cheerleaders. Front row: Peacock. Rowe, Ellis, Cox. Carter, Mackey. Second row: Sandlin, Lang, 150m, Dickinson, King. Back row: Dawson. 9. Sixth grade Wildcats show the fight and determination that characterized their season. This year's fifth and sixth grade football team competed in six games, winning three of them. Starting the season by playing the Central Bears, the team went on to win two more, losing two at the Hazen Jamboree. Although not undefeated, as in previous years, the Pee-Wee Wildcats showed true Wildcat spirit and helped spread Wildcat fever. The sixth grade cheerleaders, sponsored by Michelle Betts and Marcie Lloyd , boosted the team's spirit by cheering at pep rallies and football games. They learned to work together as an effective team and enjoyed their activities. ~ - lohn J. Radcliffe - 10hn T. Radcliffe NTARYELEMENTARYELEMENTARYELEMENTARYELE Football and Cheerleaders 355 _ Doug Kilman