1983-1984 Yearbook

- Ion Dugger Until it is time for us to leave a place , we often do not stop to think about the people we will leave behind . When we do look back, however, we realize that many people have influenced our lives in many ways. Dedicating the annual is one way for the senior class to show their appreciation for one person whom they feel has had a positive influence on their lives. This year's recipient was chosen largely because of his ability to relate to students' feelings. This ability , along with his desire to be like Christ , allowed us to look to him as a friend and to look up to him as a leader and example. He always had an encouraging word or a crazy joke to help us through the hard times, but he wasn 't afraid to let us know he had diffi culties and struggles as well. We could tell by his life that he was dedicated to Harding Academy and was happy in his demanding work. He gave his best in everything and expected us to do the same. In all his successes, he taught us humility by giving the glory to its rightful owner, God our Maker. In his failures, he taught us how to trust our lives to God our Father. One of his favorite quotes is taken from John Wooden's autobiography , They Call Me Coach, and we C9u1d see in his .life the principles expressed in this quote: Talent is God-given, be humble; Fame is man-given, be thankful; Conceit is self-given , be careful. Because of the concern he had for us and the example he displayed to us, the senior class of 1984 wishes to dedicate the Academy section of the 1984 Petit Jean to him . We call him "Coach," and he has proven himself worthy of the tit le , both on the field and off - Coach Dennis Rine. '6 ~DICATIONDEDICATIONDEDICATIONDEDIC~ TIONDEDICATIONDEDICATION Dedication 301