As Harding Academy was made up of many individuals, so was each individual made up of many pieces . Some of these pieces were directly related to school, such as academic work, club activities, and team sports, while others were strictly independent of school control. "Church" classes and worship assemblies were components of most students' lives, and many students were involved in extra activities planned by their congrega tions. Relationships with other people - parents, teachers, friends, and even enemies - were also part of each puzzle we call a person. No man is an island, and neither does any piece of land become scenery unless it is viewed along with its surroundings; each personality is affected by every other personality with which it comes in contact. Emotions and experiences because of simply growing up were..still other pieces of each individual that made up Harding Academy. Unli ke many other high schools', Harding Academy's purpose was not to exist merely as another piece of life. Instead, she strove to help each person put the pieces together in a way that made for a happier and better life as a whole. In the classrooms, in the halls, on the football field, on trips and retreats, at ballgames, parties, and other activities, teachers and coaches showed in words and actions that life is more than fragments and categories to be lived in separate ways. They showed us Jesus, and through Him we learned that "the abundant life" He came to give us was not just a nice phrase that referred to "religious" life, but was a dynamic reality that applied to every piece of our lives. He didn't come to give us a list of do's and don't's, but taught us how to offer ourselves as living sacrifices to God. By looking at His li fe and by applying His teachings to our own lives, we were able to live each moment to the fullest, we found ourselves more unified as a school, and we gained a clearer understanding of what it means to be a Christian. - Sheila Underwood Academy Editor "I came that they may have life , and have it abundantly ." - John 10:lOb Inside Academy Life Dedication Who's Who Pep and Pride Football Basketball Spring Sports Girls' Sports Social Clubs Special Interests Music Groups Faculty Retreat Classes Elementary Epilogue 296 300 302 306 308 314 316 319 322 325 331 334 338 340 351 357