A Year Of Tradition Sub T~16 and Ko Jo Kai social clubs enjoyed a year of tradition despite the many changes tha t occurred among many other clubs. One of the strongest traditions the two clubs shared was their bro ther-sister relationshi p. "There will always be a Kojies-Sub T bond, " Tracy McRee, Ko 10 Kai president said . "No matter what that will always be the re ." Sub T and Kojies disp layed their ability to work well together in Spring Sing '83. They performed "Dat Cotton P ickin' South" and took home the fourth runner-up trophy. ' Both clubs ended a vi cto ri ous semester with traditional Spring bpnquets. Sub T and Kojies returned to the Harding campus in a flu rry of excitement and plans. Because of the victories experienced in the spring by Subbers' 'B,' 'C ,' and 'E' teams in all sports, plans fo r fall club softball produced greater enthusiasm. Subbers captured the 'A' team championship and Koj ies also met the standard se t by their brother club and won 'A' team softba ll. The clubs' enthusiasm and spirit attr ac ted many potential inductees. 'There seemed to be a real unity among the girls I wanted to be a part of that ," sa id Mary Thomas, a Ko Jo Kai "Fox" from London, England, "I saw myse lf being able to be in that club and being ab le to fit in. " Kyle Beat y, a senior and fi rst year Subber sta ted, "Being in Sub T-16 is an experience that I wouldn' t trade for anyth ing. There's some th ing specia l about the traditions and the great character that have been representa tive of the club since its beginning over fi ftyfive years ago. " Though the new induction peri od changed many things, one tradition did not change, the final Saturday of induction found Kojies and Sub T members, old and new, at Mazzio's celebrating. "They say big clubs can't be as close as littl e clubs. That 's fa lse. We may have our own little groups, but when it comes to backing each other up, I guarantee you won't find a closer club anywhere on th is campus," sa id Jim Lankford . 288 Sub T & Koj ies Koj ies and Sub T enjoyed Halloween fes tivities separately but rej oined each other along with dates for a hayride in November. The Chris tmas season brought Kojies and Sub T together to visit the orphanage at Morril ton and share gifts and love to the child ren. The fa ll semester was ended by Christmas parties for each c1ub. qw - C"ri5 Oei 5 ~ .. - .... , . - . ': . ~ ,. ... '. ' ~: ' . .., . ~ . '. , .' - /0"" /. Rurldiffl'