1983-1984 Yearbook

year. Devotionals were scheduled twice a month in order to share in some singing and studying of the Bible with Sig Tau and Kappa Delta, as well as with other clubs as Delta Omega, Tofebt, and Fraters. Apart from these, Kappa Delta also held a small devotional on the nights it held its meetings. Service projects provided the clubs with an opportunity to help others. In the fall, Sig Tau sponsored a Game-a-Thon where an eight-hour period was spent playing Risk, Monopoly, Spades, and other games while raising money for the March of Dimes. In keeping with the season to give, Kappa Delta and Sig Tau helped in the Toy and Dolly Drive during the Christmas holidays . In the spring, the members of the two clubs again were involved in the Special Olympics held here at Harding. Each of the clubs was ready to begin an exciting season of club sports as they returned in the fall. Sig Tau was involved in competition in softball, football, volleyball, bowling, basketball, and swimming. The girls were not to be left behind as they gave their opponents a "run for their money" in club softball, volleyball , and basketball. Perhaps the most enjoyable sport enjoyed by both was playing frisbee on the front lawn when the weather permitted it. During Induction month Sig Tau and Kappa Delta acquired a number of new members to add even more variety to the clubs' personalities. Sig Tau officially initiated their new members with a pizza party at Pizza Hut and Kappa Delta proceeded to "unofficially" crash the party after their own formal initiation. There were no hard feelings and both clubs continued to plan several joint activities for the remainder of the - John /. Radcliff" 5 year. Some of these activities included, a skating party, a float trip on Spring River, and the traditional Valentine's party where everyone dressed up as famous couples. Apart from these, Kappa Delta had a hayride, a Chrisqnas party, and both clubs held their' respective Spring Banquet. Perhaps the biggest event of the year for the two clubs was Spring Sing. The spies of the 1983 production of Spring Sing in 'The Spy's the Limit, " planned to hit the stage again in cooperation with Delta Omega in the spring of 1984. Mike Miller, a senior and a member of Sig Tau said, "Sig Tau's and Kappa Delta 's purpose is to grow closer to each other while growing closer to God. We just strive to stay laid back and to enjoy life at Harding as much as possible." This attitude shared by both clubs made the 1983-84 year pass by quickly while both Kappa Delta and Sig Tau members grew together. qw 1. Sigma Tau Sigma. Row 1: (left to right) Gist, Underwood , Ingram, Hubbard, Phillips, Masters. Row 2: Gilpen, Stovall, Sholey, Pridmore, Whitfield. Row 3.' Black, Balcom-queen, Offut, Miller. Row 4: Northam, Grow, Stapleton, Geiger, Germany, Mathis-queen , Fore. Row 5: Miller , Odum. 2. Roslyn May and Lawrence Underwood en - thusiastically observe the activities at the annual Special Olympics. 3. "Where did Lia go?"' asks Karen Garret and Ginger Berry before a softball game. 4. Kappa Delta Kappa. Row 1.' (from left to right) Bates-beau, Royster-beau. Row 2: Sloan, Summers, Linscott, Youngblood , Burke, Sloan , Trevathan, Garret , Johnson. Row 3: Crawford, Bates , Gahn, Balcom, Eichenberger, Pipkin , Pate , Troupe. Row 4: Manly , Richardson , Mathis , Joynes : Pierson, Shaw, Payne. 5. Jeff Sholey looks down the track as he anxiously awaits the winner of the race at the Special Olympics. Colors: Creen and whitt Color$ : Blue and gold Finally, be strong in the lord and in His mighty power. Ephesians 6:10 Pure love is undefiled before God. - D"amill LaLo"dt' Sig Tau & Kappa Delta 287