11II111I1II1II11I1I1II1I111I1II1I1I1II1II"'lIlllIIllIlIIlIIlIlIIlIIlnlllftllnIllIHIIIIUllllnllltlllllllllHlIIIMlllllllllllllllllllllllthtlllllllllllllllllllUlIIl1IIIIlIIItt..........IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"IIIIIII111i1l1l1l11ll1l11i1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIPllIlIIIIIIIIIIII, ~ f I ~ : ' ~ ~ I I = i - Joh" 1. &ddiff" ~ C01)CERC i'lllll1llftllUI IllI IlUIIRIIIIIIIH....IIIII_IIIIIIIIIIJlllllllllIIII""'"""""'IJ< VA-RiEcyJ ......IHIIuUIJII.. -...1111I1I1IIUIIlIIlIIlUIlilllRIIII"III' Aside from the weekly S.A. has opened for Kool and the Gang his audience that anyone could ac- ~ movies the Harding campus was at Radio Ci ty Music Hall and at quire the necessary skills for hyp- = alive with a varie ty of concerts the grand opening of Di sney no tic control. Finally he sent the ~ and lyceums. Different speakers World in Takaya , Japan. The participating students to their =5=_=: and bands appeared on campus to unusual sounds of his Iceberg seats with a few simple ins trucgive the students the entertain- Machine impressed the Harding tions. At the sound of Eagles' ment they wanted. Work ing to- students and provided an enter- name the hypnotically-controlled I gether, the Student Association taining concert. students stood and shouted , "Go and Dr. Jerome Barnes brough t Beginning the concerts of the for it , baby J" ~ Harding students the best talent school year on August 26, the Conducting the Arkansas Sym- =_-_~ avai lable. Even though the big Wright Brothers performed coun- phony Orchestra in its November = events were Air Supply and Don try-western songs for the Harding 15 performance , Robert Hender- 1l. Williams, the sma ller shows audience. Between each song the son opened the program wi th Mo- g =. allowed for the sma ller pocket main vocalist for the Wright zart's Ove rture, Marriage of =. book and provided interest ing or Brot hers led the g roup in Figaro. Though the whole produc- e humorous entertainment for the humorous jokes which made the tion was instrumental music , it ==~_ audience. The main fall presen ta- concert more than a series of was directed mainly at the "c1assitions included the Wrigh t Bro- songs. With harmonious back-up cal layman. " The Symphony ~ . thers , Gil Eagles, and the Arkan- vocals and a friendl y a ttitude, the played familiar tunes from 1_= sas Symphony Orchestra. Michael Wright Brothers established a popula r movies that helped the Iceberg performed late in the spr- good rapport with the students. audience identify and appreciate g ing semester of 1983. Performing for the first time at the orchestra music even more. if; Like a one-man o rchest ra, Harding, Gil Eagles entertained Another feature during the pro- _I Michael Iceberg fi lled the Benson the University students with his gram was soloist Mary Ann Til - Aud it orium with the eerie sounds ama~ing ESP reading and hypno- ley. Singing"Non so piu" from S. of his syn thesizer. In his February tisms. Du ring his October 15 stage Marriage of Figaro and "Viljia ," , performance he included songs of show, Eagles hypnot ized severa l The Merry Widow, Tilley com- ~ ot her various bands and original students who had volunteered bined good stage presence and a selections from his own albums. their "minds. " The students under confident, light voice to give a Within the incredible Iceberg Eagles' control fulfilled eve ryt hing professional performance. Machine , he con troll ed a series of he had told them. These activities Working toget her, Dr. Jerome seven synthesizers, a drum com- ranged from reeling in the largest Barnes and the Student Associaputer, and other special effect fish the student had ever seen to tion opened opportunities for the devices to enhance his stage show. sending Eric Pipkin as Tarzan, in- st udents to attend the lyceum of Among his other performances to the audience looking for his their interest. Because of Barnes' Iceberg appeared 10 the European mate, Jane and the S.A.'s attention, the 1983 = Tour which promoted EPCOT, a Durmg hiS concert , Eagles fall conce rts successfully prOVided • t r aveling wo rld 's fair that stressed that hypnotism was not a a vanety of enjoyable programs JE spo thghted different cultu res. He mysten ous magIC and revealed to " _ Michael Kelly rl-IIllIU...... HI~llhU ....IIIIIiIIIIlIIIItIIlIlIl....IIlIIIIIUIIftII..IIlIIItuIIII\IIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.... 1IIIqiI1III11I11I1I111111111 ~PIl"qlllllllllllU.IIIIIIIIIIII.:J Minor Concerts 25