1983-1984 Yearbook

-" 3 - Leslie Downs - Leslie Downs " 1. Working together was essential to the suc - LeSS of the ICC, as they /lief weekly ill tile Mabee B'ISilHi!sS Bllildillg. 2. Patty Barrett alld Bob McKeiv aill were ill COI/stallt co/Ifact witl! the ICC as collsultal/t s alld adv isors. 3. " He could ask questiOll s mId get thelll to thillk it II,rollgh , " Barrell said of McKeivaill, "His gw'dmrce w as illvaluable. " 4. "She put ill IlOurs of service to the cowr eils." McKelvaill spoke of Barrett. "The wh ole tiling came o ff because o f lIer hard work. " ICC 253