1983-1984 Yearbook

- Ch ris Or! - 101m 1 Radcliffe 1. Reaching ali t to anotller, Brenda Wlleaton participates ill OECE's service project . 2. Digging iJ4,to help 0 1./1 the Associated Womell for Hardui& . Tri-Kappa il1duclees (wd members ;oill to do t ile A WH /wllse yardwork. 3.ln an attempt to help beautify Searcy . members of Kllig/lts delm up Moore A venue. 4. Always will inR to bring happiness to ot/, ers, Shallti/, spends the day elltertaining the Cole cI ,ildren, 5. Taking lime alit of Big Evellt Week. Sheryl Scott shares a few /I/;,U/les with a residellt of Leisure Lodge. 6. lisa Taylor works ill the Sigma Phi Mil cl lIb-cookie sale 10 raise 1110 lley for tile Hea rl Associatioll. Club Service Projects 251