1983-1984 Yearbook

- fohn J. RadcliffI' - folin I. Radcliffe - loh" I. Radcliffe _lohn I. R"ddifffl Dear Diary, 1 just got in from my third major date th is week (1 only had to get two , but who's cow/ting?!). He was gorgeous. 011 , I am having a blast. They say I'd better enjoy. it while it lasts. Then someone muttered something about frivolous freshmen . single sophomores. gifted junio rs, and senior spinsters ~ don '[ ask me to explain! I don 't think ['II ever understand, Dear Diary. Man , am I glad last week is over! I had test after test and flOurs (at least two) of study hal/s! There 's only th is week left of inductioll and to say the least ['m ready for the weeke1ld! Dear Diary, I just got in from fo rmal initition , It was so neat, We i'lad candles and gifts (//td food and tons of fUll. 1 do n 't think I've ever felt so dose to a group of girls before. They say we'll get even closer, but I just don 't see how that 's possible. - Thalea Rackley alld Karell Roseberry 1. During induction, even a stro ll to clwpel becomes a unique event of Lemrie Krollll and Dall Brownillg. 2. Summoning stlldellts to clwpel. Delta inductees play their role of tWlllpeteers. 3. Traditional roles held durillg i"duction are reversed by Fralers , as tile illductee wears a suit wlzile Ilze lIIember dresses as a character fro m "Dwlgeolls alld Dragons." 4. TNT II/ em bers alld illductees go back ill tillle to till? day of sluffillg pllOlle boot lies during indu ctio ll . 5. Ka Re Ta presellts tlleir all/waf inductee karate exllibitioll 0 11 the frollt lawlI , 6. An wHlsuaf couple. Kevin jolmsoll a"d Col/eel! Hazelwood receive a quizzical look during the Silly Day 's antics, 7. A touclz of Oriellt is evident as /14 Go}u illductees sillg club sOllgs ill the studellt cell tel'. Induc tion Peri od 249