1983-1984 Yearbook

> > There is a time for everyt hillg alld a senSOI/ for every activity under heavell : a tillle to tear down mid a tiHle to build, a time to weep alld a lillie to /cHlgll , a time to "'I Dum fwd a time to dal/ce, a lillI e to scatter stolles alld a tilll e to gather th em . " (Ecclesiastes 3:1-4). The writer of thi s passage could easily have intended the social clubs of 1983-84 to be his read - ers. All of the clubs faced a peri od of tearing down and rebuilding in the spring of 1983, as the lnterClub Counci l (ICC) fo rmed to decide the new guide li nes for inducting members in the fall. Eliminating "rough night " and "rass night, " the ICC decided to extend induction from a week to four weeks and include study sessions and se rvice projects. Pledging was totally lo rn down and rebuilt into induction. While the new induction period affected all clubs to some ext~'nt , seve ral clubs also experienced a time to weep and a time to laugh as d isbandment and chartering of clubs seemed to peak in 1983-84. In the spring of 1983, Beta Tau and Zeta Phi Zeta women's clubs chose to disband while 15 m~n chose to join togethe r forming Pi Kappa Epsilon . The fall semester saw th ree clubs disperse and o ne club begin the chartering process: Kappa Phi women's club and Frater Sodali s and Koinonia men 's clubs voted to disband , each by na rrow margins . It was a bitte r-sweet time. In all things 1983-84 seemed to personify a time to sca tter and a time to gathe r as had no other yea rs for social clubs. And , yet, despite new guidelines, new clubs, and new traditions , it is still the same is i t ha s always been. Men and women sti ll reach out to one anot her and form these inne r circles which we ca ll clubs. The writer of Ecclesiastes concludes: Wlzatever is Has already beel/, Alld what will be Has beel1 before. - Karen Roseberry Social C/rlbs Editor Inside Social Clubs Induction Period Club Service Projects InterClub Councils Individual Clubs Brother-sister Clubs 248 250 252 254 272