1983-1984 Yearbook

_ WI'S Holland ansas poet, visited the campus in the fall with exampleS' and picture illustrations of her poems. She also gave advice to aspiring poets about wiiting, polishing and publishing their work. The fall semester ended with a Christmas pizza party where the main attraction was a game of literary charades, highlighting such literary titles as Of Mice and Men and Great Expectations. In the spring, the group again sta rted off _ W I'S Holla"d with an activity-planning potluck in February, a pizza party at a local restaurant, and a trip to Hendrix College to hear a lecture. Sigma Tau Delta 's main sp ring project was editing Shapes and Names, the Harding creative writing magazine. A commitment to the ideal s and purposes of the nursing profession was the Epsilon Omicron chapter of Sigma Theta Tau. The national nursing association honor society served as an educational force which had opportunities and responsibilities to make definite contributions to schools of nursing, the profession of nursing, and the public. Members were elected based on superior achievements in the field of nursing, the demonstration of a desire to learn , and the commi tment to the profession. Expressing the ideals of the group, the coat of arms symbolizes the lamp of knowledge, the pillar of strength, and the eye of wisdom and discernment. The six stars represent the six founders. Members worked diligently throughout the year to foster higher professional standards and to encourage creative work. ~ 1. Robin Force takes Vicki Peat's blood pressure while tlley are wo rking ill th e Ilursing lab. 2. Sigma Theta Tau. Frollt row: Waller, Medill. Fretland. Barton, Scott . Second row : Carter. Mertz , Burkett, Armstrong, Sullills. Lentz . Thi rd row: Price, McKnight , Rogers, Douglas. Fourth row: Kehl. Priddy. Cook. Bradford. Back row: Myilan, Lambert, Clark. 3. Sigma Tau Delta. Bielecka. PerkillS, Cox, Brazzel. Wi//s. Tillery. Second row: Longsponsor. Baa, C. Supp lee, FamstrOtrl, Etta Madden, ViI/SOli, Capps , Pigg , Beckloff. Deeter, Herrel. Back row: Orga ll- spo ll so r, R. Supplee, Ward , Billingsley. Eddie Madden. 4. Pi Sigma Alpha. Jensen. Addillgtoll, Mitdlell. Faris. Secolld row: Cobill -sponsor, Browl/. Fisk, Carmell. Smith. 5. Psi Chi. Front row: Gelldroll, Eckerberg , Rasnick. Doederlein. Back row: MurpllY. Porfer-spollsor, AlballY, Grice , Pattoll, BrowlI. Honor societies 245