1983-1984 Yearbook

The High School Art Show brought talent from neighboring counties to the campus gallery from Februa ry 20 to March 2. Late April was the date or the annual Kappa Pi Art Show, where st udents had the opportunity to exhibit their artistic abilities. Phi Alpha Theta, a professional society the objective of which is the promotion of the study of h istory by the encouragement of research, good teaching , publication, and the exchange of learning and thought among historians. The requirement for induction in Ph i Alpha Theta is that a student must have a 3.0 on 12 hours of history. The group had regular monthly meetings at which they viewed films and video tapes of a historical event or a member would read a paper they had written. Last spring, Buddy Baker demonstrated how to load, aim, and fire antique firearms to the group. The group also hosted the state convention of Phi Alpha Theta here at the university. Phi Alpha Theta is not only concerned with the past but also curren t events because news today is hi story tomorrow. " The Arkansas Zeta chapter of Pi Kappa Delta determined to further "the art of persua - sion, beautiful and just" in intercollegiate forensics competition. Membership in the national forensics honor fraternity required participation in seven rounds of individual events and eight ro unds of debate competition along with taking a nati onal standard test given to PKD members as part o f their initiation. The fraternit y's main thrust was to promote excellence in all levels of forensics activity including debate , interpretation or prose and poetry, and extemperaneous speaking. Members of Pi Kappa Delta traveled through at least eight states plus Arkansas to compete with other college groups in these areas. ~ 1. Pi Kappa Delta. Front row: Pryor , Hobbs , Counts. Young. Back row: Gamer-sponsor. Allell , Nelsoll, Bay . Porter. Hudso ll. Keirn, Middleton. 2. Delta Mu Delta . FrOIl! row: Johnson, Collins, Conrad , Tellllysoll. S. BrowlI , Flippin. SIJerrod, Balcom . Ellis. Burtoll. Second row: Simpson, Stack. Cook. Holladay. Burt . Hilltze , Lodell, Maupin , Wheeler, Poe . McPike, Saul , Humphrey , Buford, Alley. Back row: C. BrowII . Hill , Webb. Carlock , SmitlJ, Sanson, Driskell , Burks-sponsor, Martin , Kemp . Cooper, Malwney, Scott , Va/I Tassel , ThraslJer , Mangrlllll , Nichols . J. Phi Alpha Theta. Front row: Jetlsen, Addingtol/, Faris, Treat. Second row: Haze/- mail , Barker. Mit chell. Morris , Jewell-sponsor. Smith. Back row: Cobill-sponsor, Segraves-sponsor . MUllcy-sp0tlsor. 4. Embarking 011 a trip to Durant , Oklahoma. debaters prepare for tlleir next competitioll . 5. Kappa Pi. Front row: Mason-spolJsor. O ·Neal. Burnett. Dean. Back row: Evans, CllOate, Williams olJ. Treusdell, Nelson , Miller. 6. Kappa Delta Pi. Frollt row: Addington. Merritt. Scott. Wheat on, Clark, SWllmerhayes. Bukowick, /. Smith , McDowell , Rhodes. Daniel, Cooper. Secolld row: Sutton, Netscll. Garrett. Aebi. Ward, D. Smith. Blwne. lones-sponsor. Hawley . Heffillgtoll . Davidso" , T. Smith. Back row: Coburn, Ciille. Huf- . jman , Bird, Pittma" , Hardesty. DemJ , Guil/o. Whitesel , Lyle. Honor societies 243