- wlie Downs - Joh .. ]. Radcliff.. the nutritive qualities of ice cream and about it s production. A tour of White -Count y Hosp ital gave the group a first-hand look at what many of them might be doing as a career. They spoke with the hospital's dietici ans and watched them as they performed everyday ta sks . The spring semester began with a brunch at Echo Haven for the dietetic majors in the organi za tion. Several guests spoke to the group throughout the semester, including nutriti on experts and som'e littl e Rock in te rns. Closing out the year's activi ties, the club feasted at their own potluck dinner , one of their many edible event s. ~ - uslie Downs ). American Home Economi cs Association. FrOlll row; Blick, Hamm itt , Gary, /~allsom. Whilesel, RobersoH, McLaill , Regier. Back row; Higgi"bothamspOl lso r, Bates. Davis. Md~ee, Perretl, Cornell. McDowell, Kroh" . Stuck, AnlOld. Art/Illr. Smit/L Biltle, Yates . Sllalllloll.lellse ,1. 2. CONTACT. FrOllt row: 101les. Willimall . R. Nieto, Glass, Birchfield. Back row: Hubbard , Holloway, Stovall , O vertol/. N. Nie to, Anderson. 3. Mac OvertolT alld Scott Stovall share the respollsibiity of mal!llillg the CONTACT pho"e service, as Mac listens to a caller alld takes the opportwlil y to refer him to professional help. 4. Dietetics Club. FrOllt row: Huglles. Cum - piall. Secol1d row: De rricksoll, G ,'ee" . Williams, Perrell. Back row; Arnold, Wilso ll -spol1sor , Cor - II ell . S. Art Guild. Front row: Morrow , Nelso/l . McGIIl'Hess, FOl/ v ille , At chley, Trellsdell. Second row: BlIrnett. Deal/, O 'Neal, Evalls, RiHeharl. Miller. WilliamsOlI. Blasillgallle. Back row: KellerSpOIlSOI', Milholllle . Choate, Swail/e. l~ichardson, Follette. Morgan , Gaskill . Siocktoll. Academic groups 237