- Jolm J. RQddiff~ - Grl'g Ozbim - John 1. Data Processing Management Association. Front row: Partlow . Norwood, Baxter, Heaton , Pate , Yarbrough , Billingsley, Mattox , Summerlott , Bailey. Second row: McKisson , Carr, Hall , Lewis , Keirn , Haines , Hintze, Roe, Madison , Atcl1ley. Back row: Bacon , Beam , Clepper, Valentine , Dinterman , Hall , Oei, White-sponsor, Key , Cheatham , Pieratt , Hazzard. 2. Phi Beta Lambda. Front row: Costello , Ellis , Cooper, Smith , Conrad, Rowland, Thurmand, Koonce, Carter, Britton. Second row: Heffington, Haynes, Wimberly , Reid, Watson, Young, Newell, Noblitt, SCIUl1ittou, Jenkins, Humphrey, Martin, Brown, Picker, Dupre. Third row: Holder, Mott, Thompson, Perry. Fourtl! row: Benney, Evins, Futrell. Fiftl! row: Holyrod, Butcher, Baxter, Machen. Back row: /011l1son , Martil!, West john. 3. SAM sponsor Bob Reely captures the attention of marketing teacller Terry Pearson and senior Richard Crump ashe discusstis managemellt strategies . 4. Re- - Greg O.birn freshments are enjoyed at a SAM mixer which served as recruitment for new member in the fall. 5. Gene Billingsley, former Harding student and local computer saiesmal! , demonstrates the Macintosh , a highly advanced Apple computer, to a group of illterested DPMA members. 6. Society for the Advancement of Management. Front row: Wineman , Porter , Clark , TllOmpson, Helms, Clements. Ayers, Gill , Reefy-sponsor. Second row: Morrow, Sitler, Foster . Hilltze, James, Fish, Mahoney, Hawks . Third row: Van Patter , Hall, Yarbrough, Adeniji, Kearley. Clemens, Ekpo. Dillard. Fourth row: Baxter, Keirn, Williams, Dods0l1, Fauvre, Bolls, Mart in. Fifth row: Muirhead, Juday. Cl1ester. Ducharme. Mars, Miller, McKissolz, Watley . Gratlberg. Sixth row: Walker. Watson. Mel1gelberg , Smelsor. Bishop. Back row: Musgrave , Melson , Washer . Richey, Simpson. Dinterman , Rushing. Academic