1983-1984 Yearbook

ed info rmation on new developments in the industry which helped prepare members fo r a ca reer in accounting . Pi Gamma Psi assisted these recruiters in host ing receptions when they were on campus to interview students. Price Waterhouse & Co ., Ernst & Whinney, PMM & Co. , Texas Instruments, and Arthur Anderson were among those who visited the campus to give presen tations and interview senior accounting ma jors. A fall field trip to li ttle Rock highlighted the group's semester act ivities. They toured some of the major businesses in the downtown area and heard speakers from accounting and brokerage firms. President Steve McKenzie sa id, "I fee l the various ac tivities and programs we have been engaged in has helped to bridge the gap between the academic world and the profess ional world of the accounting student. " Throughout the year, the club met regularly at one of the sponsors' homes for game nights where they could relax from studies and get to know membe rs of the group better. Games , contests, p rizes and refreshmen ts were pa rts of these eveni ngs away from the campus. ~ 1. Always enthusiastic, Zig Zig/a. r klleels to //Jake a poillt to the audiellce during his Americcm Studies address. 2. Set:: re tary of the Interior James Watt relaxes OIl stage as he fields questions about /,is COIItroversial admillistratioll. 3 . Pi Gamma Psi. Frollt row: Powers, Hays, Bums, COl1rad. Porter, Wille· mall , Cllaffill , R. Clark . Second row: Goodspeed , Caraway, Wood, Stricklalld, Frolldalig, Kays, Bralllml, K. 5111 it/I. Machall , Cox, Sa lll , Hellll s, McPike, Humphrey, Hintz . Prather . N. Smith , Newell , O. 10/1115011. FOllrth row: Torrey. McCoy . D. Smi th. Yeager. Swmlsoll. Clay , lames, /. lohll so ll. Fifth row : Betts. Hess. McKil1 zie. CI,ester . Williams, N. TI,ompsOl,. Dell/lam , Loden. Richard· SOli, Weeks. Sixtll row: Birge , Massey, Wils oll , Moore , Christaldi. Alldersoll, Allell. Melz. Back row : Bates. Moillar. Vat/gill! . Brazile. Hortol/, lerry , M. Moore. G. Sal/sam. M . Smlsom . K. 10/1IIsonspollsor. 4. American Stud ies. FrOllt row: Blasillgall/e , Collier, Poe. Thurmol1d , Call1loll, McAfee . War rell. Coon. Grissom, Randle, Wagne r. lell sell . Ford, Paul, Frolldalig , Treet. Chaffin , Kimling/zall/ , Buford, Honey, Hecker, Alley . Book, Hays , ~Water- - {oh" {. Raddiffe .- !olm 1_ Radcliffe - Leslie DowriS 5011. Maupill , Knapp, Yowrd. Northcut, Reid. Koollce. Row/alld, Sau/, McPike , Allderson . Nallcy Tlrompsoll. Second row: N. Smilh , Matlox , BiI.'· illgs/ey, Skill/ress , McAfee. Richardson, Thrasher. Gill. Blickenstaff. Bllrt , Holladay , Hlllrter . McCullough , Wesljo/lIl . Cooper, Land, Fis/I . HClilles. Morthole. Cox . Tumer . Lyol1s , Pick/lardl , Dugger. Tlrird row: Yaeger. Carlock, Cooper, Miller. Hess, Collill s. K. Williams. Pierce, Neil Thompso l1 . Rogers. King . Picker , T,mler. Stewart. Perry Goblitt . Newell . Kemp . Gard/ler . Mlllzlenueck , Loden . Cook, Trellsdell. Vaughl/ , Lowrey. Back row: Flippin, Bmw/!. Balsam, Simpso n . Stack, Moore , Bales. Roe. /. Smith, Fon v ille , Hill. D. Smith , Watley . DwellS. I. Brown . Gambill. Clark, Mars. Stovall. '0/,115, YOUllg, Barker. Mitchell . At· cilil!y. West. Dodson, Fretland, Petty . Beaty, LOllg, T. /0/1115011 , Clemellts , Gillett. 5. While spol1sor Kell /011115011 and Presidellt Steve McKim.ie look all. Byrol/ Carlock symbolizes his pledge to uphold ti,e standards of Pi Ga il/lila Psi by lig/ltillg tile cerel/I OIIia/ Wildie. Academic groups 231