1983-1984 Yearbook

- lohn I. R..ddiffe tonville, Mi ch. , led the musicians and marchers through their drill s. Stepping off the field for extra performances, the band suited up for the Homecoming pep rall y, the Wh ite County Fair parade and two chapel programs under the supervision of Warren Casey , director of bands. - Public Rql.. lions Office Providing the support for the Bison roundbailers, Harding's Pep Band o rganized itself every yea r at the beginning of the basketball season to entertain and to boost the fans at all the home games. With a repertoire including jazz, pop and , of course, the Bison's fight song, the group served as the onl y pep band in the AIC and rehearsed frequently to try to live up to its good reputation. Their arrangements of "Beat It ," "Fame" and "That 's the Way" en li vened the cheerers, and the small squad perfected their tunes. The Pep Band played under the direction of Trey Reely , a senior music education major and band member . qw 1. Entertaining foo tball failS , druIII major Terry Girdley leads the b,md ill a rellditiOIl of ti,e HardillR fig/It sOllg. 2. Orchestra members follow the batoll of director Trav is Co~·illtelltly . to create all evell , harmOl/iOIlS soulld. 3. Lori Richards adds her OW" saxopholle soulld to tllat of the stage balld at a spring sillg performallce. 4. With perfect precisio ll . ti' e TllImderitlg Herd steps off the yard line to tile beat of a drum cadellCe. 5. Jazz Band. Fro llt row: Reed. Carter , Bradford , Richardsoll . Kalllill S. Second row: Dillard, Richards, Girdley. Back row: Thomas, Willis, Trevatllall , Suther/aI/d . 6. Marching Band. Fra il! row: Meuller . Blair , Martill, Pierso" , Eichellberge ,', Summers , Trevathan. Smelser, Adams, Thoma s, Ho rtOlI , Villard. Second row: Sco tt . Willis, Kaillill s, Lucas , Pattersoll . RirlwrdsO/I . Hester, O. Richards , L. Richards, Bradford. Wheeler. TI/I'rd row: Girdley , Clement s, S. Richards . WI,ite , Carter. Reely. Caldwell , Lockwood, Boustead, Walls, Sheldoll . Tubbs. Back row: Kell . Ho ldren . Ellbanks , Heimberger. SlIther/alld, Mmm ing . Reed. 7. Pep Band : FrOllt row: Richards . Bradford. Second row: Eichen - be rger, Reely, /. Lock/Jart , Smelser. T/lird row.' Carter, T. Lock/,art, Dav is. Holdren. FOllrtl1 row.' Wideman , Ric/lQrdso ll , Bradner . Heimberger, Adams. Back row: Reed, MmH/illg . 8. Chamber Orchest ra . FrOllt row: Mart ill , Perry . Killg, St ickel. Gibso ll , Sal/i llgs , P. Cox, Gree". Seco l1d row; Ham - illoll, GOSIiIl , Keller. Rilel/ , B. RobersOI', R. Robe /'- Sal! , T . Lockhart , /. Lockhart , Ca.sey , Thompsol1 , B. Cox , L. Robersoll . Back row: T . Cox-director, Standford.